
ASP.NET Web Forms / HTML / CSS / Bootstrap 2016

Primary LanguageASP


ASP.NET Web Forms / Bootstrap

Project Description

“HarismaDent” LTD is a dental medicine clinic founded on the 1st of May,2003. The founder of the clinic is Slavko Gyulev.

After the first meeting with our client a few problems were determined. After asking them how do they promote their bussiness and attract clients they coudn’t answer us.

The team had to help them promote their bussiness and attract clients. Another issue is that a lot of their clients wanted to get information about the treatments they offer and see some showcases of their medical help on other patients before leaving themselves in their hands. Until now in this case they had prepared some printed photos and had been showing them to the patients.

Overall, our client admitted that they don’t know much about digital advertising and wants us to help them advertise their company.

More information about the project can be found in the 3rdSem_Exam_HarismaDent_REPORT.pdf document.

University Project with real client 2015