Mutation Inducer and Mutation Rate Calculator
Randomly induce mutations in a VCF file in order to
Test the efficacy of the Mutation Significance in Cancer 2's (MuSiC2) mutation rate calculator
SAMPLES from 1000 Genomes Project: HG00119, HG00188, HG00258, HG00513, HG01383
downloaded sliced BAM/BAI files for each sample for tp53 gene with coordinates 17:7565097-7590868 data slicer found at:
downloaded sliced VCF file with all 5 samples with coordinates 17:7565097-7590868 data slicer found at:
using MuSiC_REMIX, bam_to_bed, converted each sample’s BAM file to BED file parameters: delta = 10 outFile = SAMPLE_NAME.bed
using MuSiC_REMIX, beds_to_covered_regions, converted the BED files of all samples to single adequately covered regions BED file parameters: delta = 0.75 outFile = adequately_covered_regions.bed
quality-checked all BED files using IGV. Visually made sure that edges were aligned.
created Region-Of-Interest (ROI) file from tp53 exon locations name = roi.bed exon locations found at:
using MuSiC_REMIX, intersect_roi_and_popCovBed, created merged bed file from roi.bed and adequately_covered_regions.bed. As it so happened, all ROI regions were within the adequately_covered_regions BED. name = roi_popCov_intersect.bed
remix MuSiC_REMIXs mutation rate = ( SIGMA( #samples_with_mutation_within_ROI ) ) / ( ROI_basepair_size * #samples_total )