This repo is used to train the common classification model with many backbones and tricks (algorithm) for improve the model's performance. I implement it with pytorch.
- Data Augmentation: mixup, cut-mix, random crop, flip, random hsv, random brightness and so on.
- Some Algorithm: mean-teacher, knowledge-distilling, warm-up training
- backbone: resnet, mobilenetv2, mobilenetv3, resnet10, chostnet, efficientnet,efficientv2,RepVgg, shufflenetv1/v2. Some models can be create by the pretrained models in torchbision
- torch >=1.7.1+cu101
- python3.7
- numpy>=1.12.1
- scipy>=0.19.0
- Cython
- pycocotools
- lap
- motmetrics
- opencv-python
- funcy
- Prepare Data
- Firstly,put your dataset to the DataSet dir. Different class with different dir . Here is a demo:
DataSet/maskdata, you refer this dir structure
pos(face with mask)
neg(face without mask)
Secondly, use the to generate the label list file. Modify the line50-54 according your dataset
# classes name list classNames=["neg","pos"] cat_ids = {v: i for i, v in enumerate(classNames)} #class data root in Dataset train_root="maskdata/train" test_root="maskdata/val"
You can choose different .py to train your model. For common training method, you can choose the , Just modify the params in the argparse for your task and data. And there are other methods such as:
export to onnx
please refer the, and modify some params(argparse) according to your model