
w0rthy's Array Visualizer, Revamped - 76 Sorting Algorithms with 10 Different Visuals

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

w0rthy's Array Visualizer, Revamped


76 sorting algorithms demonstrated through 10 unique graphic designs

This new version of the program features additions inspired by Timo Bingmann's "The Sound of Sorting" and w0rthy's updates to the original visualizer.

To build (After -cp, use ";" with Windows and ":" with Mac/Linux):

java -cp bin;lib/classgraph-4.8.47.jar main.ArrayVisualizer


  • 40+ new sorting algorithms
  • Updated visuals and sound effects
  • You can select different array sizes now
  • New shuffle types, including reversed, mostly similar numbers, almost sorted, and already sorted
  • Skip Sort button
  • Softer sounds toggle
  • A real time in milliseconds estimate
  • Toggle shuffle animation
  • Toggle Timo Bingmann's "end sweep" animation
  • Refactored / optimized code

10/19/2019 - Version 2.1

  • Both Odd-Even Mergesorts now display comparisons
  • PDQSort's Insertion Sorts have been slowed down
  • New sorts, courtesy of Piotr Grochowski (https://github.com/PiotrGrochowski/ArrayVisualizer):
    • Iterative Pairwise Sorting Network
    • Recursive Pairwise Sorting Network
    • Recursive Combsort

10/13/2019 - Version 2.0 is now released!

  • Now includes 73 sorting algorithms, with 2 more that will be finished in the future
    • NEW SORTS:
      • Unoptimized Bubble Sort
      • Rotation-based In-Place Merge Sort
      • "Lazy Stable Sort" from Andrey Astrelin's GrailSort
      • Grail sorting with a static buffer
      • Grail sorting with a dynamic buffer
      • Andrey Astrelin's "SqrtSort"
      • CircleSort
      • Introspective CircleSort
      • Orson Peters' "Pattern-Defeating Quicksort" (PDQSort)
      • Branchless PDQSort
      • Morween's implementation of "Poplar Heapsort"
      • Recursive Binary Quicksort
      • Iterative Binary Quicksort
      • Iterative Bitonic Sort
      • Iterative Odd-Even Mergesort
      • "Bubble Bogosort"
      • "Exchange Bogosort"
      • Treesort
      • Optimized Gnomesort with Binary Search
      • "Cocktail Mergesort" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWubJgIWyxQ)
      • NOTE: "Quick Shell Sort" has been removed.
  • Significantly refactored code, more object-oriented
  • Optimized visuals -- the program runs smoother than ever!
  • Plug-and-play functionality -- using classgraph, you can now easily add your own sorting algorithms to the program! Documentation on that will be available in the future.
  • Sort delay system redesigned -- you can now change the speed of the program in the middle of a delayed compare or swap
  • Speed dialogue is now disabled while other windows are open
  • WikiSort no longer gets stuck on sorting its internal buffer
  • Tweaks to TimSort, mostly reimplementing its binary insertion sort
  • Binary Insertion Sort is now stable
  • The write/swap counts for inputs already sorted are fixed
  • The main/auxillary array write counts for Bottom-up Merge are fixed
  • Shuffling the array now clears the statistics
  • The highest pitches of the program's sound effects are fixed
  • Speeds for the "green sweep" and shuffling animations have been tweaked
  • Shatter Sort's highlights slightly tweaked
  • GrailSort's highlights slightly tweaked


  • Certain sorts (comb sort, radix sorts) cause the program to forget the current speed
  • Certain sorts do not work with the "Skip Sort" button
  • Linked Dots visual has an extra, static line
  • Missing soundfont
  • SkaSort and HolyGrailSort produce errors -- this is normal, they aren't finished yet
  • No circular pointer -- will be fixed soon


  • Javadocs!!
  • SkaSort
  • "Holy Grail Sort"
  • Options to:
    • Enter in your own set of numbers
    • Select CombSort gap sequence
    • Select ShellSort gap sequence
    • Change TimSort "minrun" value
    • Change IntroSort threshold for insertion/heap sort
    • Change Simple Shatter Sort rate(?)
    • Stop Run All Sorts(?)
    • Stop TimeSort(?)
  • Pre-shuffled arrays
  • Organize list of sorts into more categories
  • Run All Sorts in specific category
  • Subheadings for customizable sorts (e.g. display the number of buckets during a bucket sort)
  • Justified statistics(??)
  • Sort an array up to 16,384 (2^14) numbers
  • "Many Similar" distribution ((i/5) * 5, as an example)
  • Fixed circular pointer with much cleaner math
  • Toogle between pointer and black bar with circular visuals
  • Refactor/reorganize prompts and frames
  • Cleaner:
    • Counting Sort
    • Tree Sort
    • getters/setters
    • method parameters
  • Small organizational changes

If you are experiencing performance issues in Windows 10, look here: https://superuser.com/questions/988379/how-do-i-run-java-apps-upscaled-on-a-high-dpi-display

An executable .jar file is available in the dist folder. Have fun!

Videos this program is featured in:
