You start a new project 🚀 boom!
You configure your dev environment 💻 pow!
You place all those fancy semantic HTML tags where they belong ✏️ nice!
Eeeeverything is working fine, everything is in place and everything just makes sense. Right? No.
Where do I put my styles? How do I name this class? Should I be using SMACSS? OOCSS? BEM? Atomic? SASS? LESS? POSTCSS? OHMYCSS?
I feel you, I do. Fendy Styles provides a solid architecture for your project's styles, it's based on ITCSS so it scales and is maintainable. It also comes with some handy foundations (SASS foundations) on which to build upon. It's also content and design agnostic so it shouldn't get in your way. It'll make you happier, healthier and fitter so what are you waiting for? 🤓