
The Final Project of 2017 Fudan NLP Course

Primary LanguagePython

Writing Style Recognition for Chinese Authors


  • Python 3.6
  • JRE 1.8.0_131-b11
  • FudanNLP 2.1
  • NLTK 3.2.5
  • jieba 0.39
  • matplotlib 2.1.0
  • numpy 1.13.3
  • sklearn


  1. Enter the /src/ folder.
  2. Put the .txt files, each of which contains all the text from one author, under the ./input/ folder.
  3. If you are working on Windows, run run.bat in the cmd or just double click it. This script extracts author's writing features from their texts and generates several files in ./output/ folder. python run.py <a_author.txt> will load the processing script only for this author. Files generated are
  • cleaned_<author>.txt the text after preprocessing
  • cleaned_<author><number>.txt split pieces of the preprocessed file
  • all_feat_<author>.txt features extracted from the whole cleaned text of the author
  • feat_<author><number>.txt features extracted from the number-th piece of cleaned file
  • depen_<author><number>.txt sentence dependency features
  • depen_text_<author>.txt the encoded text file
  1. After that, run plot.bat will launch the script for plotting related infomation in the ./output/ folder.

If you are working on other OS, sorry, no batch processing is available yet. The set up procedure was only tested on Windows 8.1. There is no guarentee for cross-platform.


  1. Put the text file to be tested in ./test/ folder.
  2. run the batch file test.bat.