
Paper collection of reinforcement learning based combinatorial optimization

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Reinforcement Learning based combinatorial optimization (RLCO) is a very interesting research area. Combinatorial Optimization Problems include: Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP), Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), Orienteering Problem, Knapsack Problem, Maximal Independent Set (MIS), Maximum Cut (MC), Minimum Vertex Cover (MVC), Maximal Clique (MC), Intger Linear Programming (ILP), Network Optimization (Routing), Bin Packing Problem, Graph Partioning, EDA problems. Most of them are NP-hard or NP-complete. Combinatorial Problems can traditionally be solved by: exact method, heuristic method (genetic algorithm, simulated annealing), etc. Recently, better learning-based solvers are coming out.

This is a collection of resaerch & application papers of RLCO. Papers are sorted by time and categories. Some related supervised learning papers are also listed as a reference.

The sharing principle of these references here is for research. If any authors do not want their paper to be listed here, please feel free to contact [Haiguang Liao] (Email: haiguanl [AT] andrew.cmu.edu). Feedbacks on any mistakes on the repo are also welcomed

Research Papers:

Papers are catgorized based on the solution approahces and ordered in time sequence:

1. Policy RL + (GNN)

2. Value RL + (GNN)

3. Supervised Learning + Tree Search + Graph Embedding

Electronic Design Automation (EDA) Application Papers:

EDA is not easy. Some problems in EDA such as physical design (floorplan, placement, routing, etc.) can be reduced to combinatorial optimization problems. Thus, some of them are solved with RLCO.