Fenix Webapp Archetype

Use this archetype to create installations of FenixEdu.


mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.fenixedu -DarchetypeArtifactId=fenix-webapp-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=2.0.0 -DarchetypeRepository=https://repo.fenixedu.org/simple/fenixedu-maven-repository

This will prompt you for your database credentials, maven information and the version of Fenix you wish to install (Note that due to maven limitations, empty database passwords are not supported).

The generated application will not use a Configuration file, instead relying on defaults. To create a configuration file, run mvn bennu:generate-configuration.

Start up your application: either deploy the war file in target/, or run mvn tomcat7:run.

The first time you open your application, you will be guided through the installation process, which will ask you for all the necessary configuration.