
Doesn't run in CMD, opens python then tell ms to use regionfixer_gui.py instead.

Closed this issue · 8 comments

After navigating to folder which region fixer is kept in within cmd, running regionfixer.py opens a python window with:

Minecraft Region Fixer has a command line application and a GUI
(Graphic User Interface) and you have just double clicked the
command line interface. If you really want to run the command line
interface you have to use a command prompt (cmd.exe)

You can also run the GUI, double click regionfixer_gui.py instead!

Press enter to continue:


That is something new! Can I ask what OS are you using? If it's windows, how are you starting the command line interface?

Well, I'm lost, the only thing that can trigger that is that you have a proccess attached to your CLI. And I don't know why that happens. This is the first time this part of the code fails (or at least the first time it fails and somebody reported it). Any idea why is it happening?

If you want to run region fixer no matter what you could modify the line 327 of regionfixer.py from:

    if is_bare_console():


    if false:

so it never runs that part of the code.

If you are interested we could test a few things to see what is happening, if not, the above change will make regionfixer work.

I know this issue is old but did you try that code change I suggested? Did it work? If not I will have a few days to work in regionfixer.

If you are still interested I have just uploaded a branch called test_bare and it should work for you. If you are no longer interested just tell me and I'll close the issue.

Closing this, feel free to open a new issue if you still have problems.