
Primary LanguageJavaMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


A Java mesh processing library for the programmatic and procedural creation and modification of meshes for jMonkeyEngine.
It implements the BMesh data structure that holds adjacency information for its elements: Vertex, Edge, Face and Loop.

The BMesh data structure is similar to the Half-Edge structure or DCELs. Loops are much like Half-Edges and can be seen as fragments of a face. The structure adds an explicit element for Edge, which allows for the modelling of wireframe meshes. More than 2 faces can be adjacent to an edge: BMesh supports non-manifold surfaces.

This documentation is work in progress. Meanwhile, the code examples can act as a starting point for using this library: https://github.com/FennelFetish/jBMesh/tree/master/jbmesh-tools/src/main/java/ch/alchemists/jbmesh/examples


  • Functions for working with the BMesh data structure (add, remove and iterate elements)
  • Setting predefined or custom attributes to all the elements of the BMesh data structure
  • Conversion of a Mesh from jMonkeyEngine to jBMesh (mesh import)
    • Duplicate vertices at the same position are combined into one Vertex element
  • Conversion from jBMesh to jMonkeyEngine (mesh export)
    • Quads and N-gons are triangulated
    • The exporter duplicates vertices where needed (e.g. for flat shading or UV seams)
    • A matching index buffer is created in short or integer format
  • Generating normals with crease angle parameter: Smooth areas or sharp edges are recognized
  • Marching Cubes surface construction with signed distance functions
  • Sweep-line triangulation:
    YouTube Video of Sweep-Line Triangulation
  • 2D Straight Skeleton / Polygon Offsetting (for growing and shrinking faces):
    YouTube Video of 2D Straight Skeleton
  • Catmull-Clark subdivision surface
  • Operators such as ScaleFace, SubdivideFace, Inset, ExtrudeFace
  • Extrusion along a path:
    Extrude Helix
  • Utilities for debug visualizations


Mozilla Public License, Version 2.0