
PixiGameMenu is a simple 2D Game Menu using the fast HTML 5 2D rendering engine pixi.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Game Menu for Pixi

PixiGameMenu is a simple 2D Game Menu using the fast HTML 5 2D rendering engine pixi.js You need pixi.js to run this code: https://github.com/GoodBoyDigital/pixi.js/

Look the example.jpg, how it can look with a nice background. Visit working example on: http://example.bolvin.de/pixigamemenu/


  • Support for any button texture of any size
  • Each button drives in one after another
  • Pressing a button stops driving in of buttons
  • On button press each button drives out one after another
  • When drive out finished a callback function is called with the pressed button as parameter


License for this tiny code sample? LOL.