
Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


A library for calling HTTP API, and avoid hard code about details of specific API.


composer require fenzland/http-api-gluer

Create instance of Gluer.

use Fenzland\HttpApiGluer\Gluer;
use Fenzland\DataParser\Transformer;

$gluer= new Gluer(
	'https://url'           // URL of API.
	'POST'                  // Method of API.
	$request_transformer    // instance of Transformer.
	$response_transformer   // instance of Transformer.
	'application/json'      // content type of request
	'application/json'      // content type of response (optional if same with content type of request)

// or

$gluer= Gluer::make_(
	$request_transformer_meta    // meta array of Transformer.
	$response_transformer_meta   // meta array of Transformer.

Call api.

$result= $gluer->call( $data );

Account Types

Built-in supported

  • application/octet-stream
  • application/php-serialized
  • application/json
  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded


use Fenzland\HttpApiGluer\serializers\ASerializer

class CustomSerializer extends ASerializer
	public function encode( $data ):string
		# ...

	public function decode( string$encoded )
		# ...

Gluer::registerSerializer_( 'custom/mime', CustomSerializer::class );
// or
Gluer::registerSerializer_( 'custom/mime', new CustomSerializer );

About Transformer

Preliminary: fenzland/data-parser

Request Transformer

	'path'=> ...,     // parameters in path example: https://github.com/{name}/{repo}
	'query'=> ...,    // parameters in url query example: ?key0=value0&key1=value1
	'headers'=> ...,  // parameters in header
	'body'=> ...,     // parameters or data in body

Response Transformer

	"foo_in_header"=> [
		'type'=> 'value',
		'keys'=> [ 'headers', "foo", ],
	"bar_in_body"=> [
		'type'=> 'value',
		'keys'=> [ 'body', "bar", "baz", ],