
🌦️ Displays the current temperature and weather based on your location.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Displays the current temperature and weather based on your location. The weather data is provided by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute.



  • curl
  • jq

Installation with Tmux Plugin Manager

Edit your .tmux.conf and append the plugin to your TPM list.

set -g @plugin 'feqzz/tmux-weather-info-yr'

Remember to hit <prefix> + I to install the plugin.


Clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/feqzz/tmux-weather-info-yr ~/.tmux/

Edit your .tmux.conf and add this line at the bottom.

run-shell ~/.tmux/tmux-weather-info-yr/tmux-weather-info-yr.tmux

Last step is to reload the tmux config file.

tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf


Edit your .tmux.conf file and add #{weather_temperature} to your status-right. Simple example:

set -g status-right "#{weather_temperature}"

Available Options

It is important that #{weather_temperature} is included in the status bar. Otherwise none of the other options will work. I might fix this in the future if there is any interest.

Command Example
#{weather_temperature} -1°C
#{weather_city} Kongsberg
#{weather_symbol} 🌤️
#{weather_symbol_plaintext} fair_day
