
A flexible grid view based on React Native's ListView component

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A flexible grid view based on React Native's ListView component.



React Native's ListView can be customized to render in a grid layout, but suffers from some issues:

  • Does not allow specifying a number of items per row, requiring fixing or calculating the width of your items for consistent row layouts
  • If your items have variable heights, the item containers will not flex to match each other

react-native-gridview seeks to solve these issues, along with giving you some additional functionality for grid-based layouts.


npm install react-native-gridview --save

Basic Usage

import React from 'react';
import { Text, View } from 'react-native';
import GridView from 'react-native-gridview';

const itemsPerRow = 3;

// Use data from an array...
const data = Array(20)
  .map((item, index) => index + 1);

// ...or create your own data source.
// This will randomly allocate 1-3 items per row, and will be used
// if the `randomizeRows` prop is `true`.
const randomData = [];
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i) {
  const endIndex = Math.max(Math.round(Math.random() * itemsPerRow), 1) + i;
  randomData.push(data.slice(i, endIndex));
  i = endIndex;
const dataSource = new GridView.DataSource({
  rowHasChanged: (r1, r2) => r1 !== r2,

export default function MyGrid(props) {
  return (
      dataSource={props.randomizeRows ? dataSource : null}
      renderItem={(item, sectionID, rowID, itemIndex, itemID) => {
        return (
          <View style={{ flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#8F8', borderWidth: 1 }}>
            <Text>{`${item} (${sectionID}-${rowID}-${itemIndex}-${itemID})`}</Text>

Check out the gridview project in the examples folder for advanced usage.


  • ...ListView.props
  • data (Array:Object) - The raw array or object (for sectioned grids) data source. The GridView will create and manage its own GridView.DataSource.
  • dataSource (GridView.DataSource) - A GridView.DataSource (wrapper for ListView.DataSource) can be provided in place of, or override, the data property. itemsPerRow does not apply to this data source, and the data structure must be [[item1, ...], [item1, ...]] or { 'Section 1': [item1, ...], 'Section 2': [item1, ...] }. Since you control the data source structure, you can have a variable number of items per row by configuring your data source appropriately.
  • fillMissingItems (Boolean) - Fills in spots in the last row of your grid if there aren't enough items remaining. Setting to true will give uniform widths to grid items, while false will flex the items to fill the full row width. Defaults to true.
  • itemsPerRow (Integer) - The number of items to render per row.
  • itemsPerRowLandscape/itemsPerRowPortrait (Integer) - Provide one or both of these to override itemsPerRow in the specified orientation. If one or both are provided, when GridView fires the onLayout event it will determine the orientation (using height/width check based on Dimensions.get('window')) and rebind the data property to cause the grid content to re-render.
  • itemStyle (View.propTypes.style) - The style(s) applied to the item container after the default style of { flex: 1 }.
  • renderItem (Function) - Render function called for each item in the data source.
  • rowStyle (View.propTypes.style) - The style(s) applied to the row container after the default style of { flexDirection: 'row' }.