This Point of Sale System is aimed for small convenience stores which are still unfamiliar to computerized system of running the business. This system is simple yet effective as the functions are easy to use for the users, that is, for the store owner or store manager and store cashiers.
In the admin panel, there are fields which are effective for the administration of the whole store. The administrator can manage list of product items, product categories, cashier information, customer information and supplier information.
This project is implemented with Model-view-controller (MVC) software design pattern.
- Chart.js
- fpdf
- Download Server controller like XAMPP or MAMP
- PHP >= 8.*
- Clone this repo use this command in terminal
folder - Create Database name pos then import file pos.sql the path this file is
all this steps from http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ - If Your OS is Windows
Go The host file in your device the path file is
and add127.0.0.1 pos.local
without single Quotation then go the httpd-vhosts.conf file in Server controller (XAMPP) the path of this file is\XAMPP\apache\conf\extra
and set this lines<VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin http://pos.local/dashboard/ DocumentRoot "E:/XAMPP/htdocs/POS/public" </VirtualHost>
drive because I installed XAMPP inE
drive, but you set path depend your device
The admin
username is bnzz and the password is 1234567
© Feras Barahmeh 2023
The contents of this repository, including all files and subdirectories, are licensed under the [appropriate license you choose, e.g., MIT License, Apache License 2.0, etc.]. Unless otherwise stated, all rights are reserved by the copyright holder.
You may not use, copy, modify, or distribute any part of this repository without explicit permission from the copyright holder. If you would like to request permission or have any questions regarding the use of the contents of this repository, please contact [your contact information, such as an email address or website].