GTK3.20-compatible version of bitterologist's Numix Solarized from deviantart; forked off Numix, inspired by bitterologist
- Alexander-ShukaevBloomberg L.P.
- alulanull
- balintbabicsBBIT
- baltuonis
- bandithijoIndonesia
- boufes
- BradleyAllanDavisCyberspace
- codebamToronto, Canada
- DagefoerdeMünster
- davewongillies@salesforce
- dolphx
- Draic
- edwinksl@bazantgroup
- GarthTheChicken
- genomorro
- gourgikomotini, greece
- iasoon@datarootsio
- iduanyingjie
- joshtronic@holidayapi @mailshake
- jpco@google
- julthon
- lianghao13
- LinarSadoRinh
- marcellippmann
- meichlseder
- nanotronCisco
- nodh@a-sit-plus
- pamwenlong
- rdrr
- robertov8swap.financial
- skylargivensSan Francisco
- smonffBalık Network Unlimited
- stefan2904@IAIK, Graz University of Technology
- treymerkley
- voobscout@large
- zeorinPixel Theory