
Demo iOS project around TMDB

Primary LanguageSwift


  1. Clone the project
  2. Setup CocoaPods by running pod install. This will generate the required project files
  3. Open the workspace
  4. Set your API key in Constants.tmdbApiKey. This is just a temporary place to setup the key, as it could be improved to allow for automation through a CI


The app is very basic. It's just a quick practice & challenge I did in a single afternoon. It displays the discover movies, allows for searching the list of movies, seeing the details & favoriting. I'm no UI designer, so the interface is very basic but functional.

It supports both iPhone & iPad (regular & compact), landscape & portrait, as well as side-by-side multitasking.

This is not a fully polished project. A lot of improvements could be made but I haven't had the time to get around to all of them. I left TODOs throughout the code where relevant.


Screen Shot 2019-08-19 at 5 20 38 PM Screen Shot 2019-08-19 at 5 22 18 PM image