
Simple plugin that allows admins to disable flying in certain zones

Primary LanguageJava


Simple plugin that allows admins to disable flying in certain zones

While working on a upcoming Prison server, we noticed there was a lack of proper fly disablers compatible with WorldGuard. I therefore coded this small plugin to allow us to do so, and decided to release it to anyone who might need it.

This plugin requires the following plugins to work:

How to use

WorldGuardNoFly is easy to use, in the config, you just need to add a few lines.

# this is the message that will show when the player tries to toggle fly in a WorldGuardNoFlyZone
# you can also use the following placeholders:
# - %player% is replaced by the player name
# - %region% is replaced by the region name
# - %world% is replaced by the world name
toggledMessage: "&cYou are not allowed to fly here!"
# true if the message above should be shown
toggledMessageEnabled: true

# List of worlds and WorldGuard regions to disable flight in
# Format: 
# worlds:
#   world1:
#   - spawn
#   - region2
#   world2:
#   - region1
#   - pvp
# etc...
  - spawn

Reload, and then to verify if the region was correctly added, just use the following command:

/worldguardnofly regions


worldguardnofly.bypass   If you want to allow a certain player to bypass the no-fly zone (let him fly inside a restricted region)
worldguardnofly.command   If you want to allow a certain player to use /worldguardnofly regions

Important notice

Please note that this plugin will not stop people from toggling creative mode, or using /fly. To disable the /fly command, just add "/fly" to the disabled-cmds flag in WorldGuard. This plugin will only disallow people from toggling flight inside a restricted region.

There are a few upgrades I plan to do to this plugin, including better performance and a command to add and remove regions in-game. Please keep updated either on this repository, or on the proper Bukkit or Spigot post.