Software Engineer - previously bordering on DevOps and InfoSec. Tinkers a lot in his garage. Enjoys Electronics. Usually writing Go or Python.
FergusInLondon's Followers
- 0fflineuser
- airct
- alexbyrne1986
- bludnicLisbon
- bpenedoColiseum Capital
- ClientServerLukeClient Server
- dacoffeyIT Solutions Provider @cogsmith
- daskalsAssistant Professor in Electronics
- Derek-T
- dnlowman@Ometria
- dvorcekIndeed
- gcaloreLondon, UK
- kkpan11Rakuten, Inc.
- koenchill
- laegNeo4j
- mkuzdowicz@RampNetwork
- naltunCenters for Disease Control and Prevention - OCIO Digital Services Office
- octokas@stddef
- RHM697@Expedia