Sphinx extension to build Confluence Wiki markup formatted files and optionally publish them to a Confluence server.
- Sphinx 1.0 or later
- Python 2.7, 3.3 or later
- 'Confluence' PyPi package, 0.3.0 or later (if publishing')
pip install sphinxcontrib-confluencebuilder
git clone https://github.com/tonybaloney/sphinxcontrib-confluencebuilder
cd sphinxcontrib-confluencebuilder
python setup.py install
If you want to take a look and have a try, you can put the builder in
an extension subdirectory, and adjust sys.path
to tell Sphinx where to
look for it:
Add the extensions directory to the path in
. E.g.sys.path.append(os.path.abspath('exts'))
Set the builder as a extension in
:extensions = ['sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder']
Run sphinx-build with target
:sphinx-build -b confluence -d _build/doctrees . _build/html -E -a
The following four configuration variables are defined by sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder:
This is the file name suffix for generated files. The default is
Suffix for generated links to files. The default is whatever :confval:`confluence_file_suffix` is set to.
Function to translate a docname to a filename. By default, returns docname + :confval:`confluence_file_suffix`.
Function to translate a docname to a (partial) URI. By default, returns docname + :confval:`confluence_link_suffix`.
After installing the confluence pip module, you can publish to a confluence server as part of the Sphinx build. Configure conf.py, with the URL of your confluence server, the username and password. You will need to enable the Remote XMLRPC API in Confluence.
In conf.py update the following values
Function to translate a docname to a (partial) URI. By default, is False.
key of the space in confluence you want to publish the docs to
You can also publish to a page within a space by using the confluence_parent_page configuration value with the name of the root page.
The root page to put the generated pages under
The URL for confluence (not including the API folder)
Your username for confluence
Your password for confluence
Example conf.py
extensions = ['sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder']
confluence_publish = True
confluence_space_name = 'TEST'
confluence_parent_page = 'Documentation'
confluence_server_url = 'https://me.docs.com'
confluence_server_user = 'anthony.shaw'
confluence_server_pass = 'NotMyPassword!'
- Headings
- Paragraphs
- Enumerated lists
- Bulletted lists
- Code blocks (uses the Confluence code macro)
- Hyperlinks
- Inline blocks
- TOC Tree - But only with a Max Depth of 1, sub anchors will not be valid links.
- Tables
- Images (will get around to this!)
Original credit to Freek Dijkstra <software@macfreek.nl> for the ReSTBuilder module.