

script needs to call Salesforce Marketing Cloud APIs in a secure manner; no access tokens, credentials or other sensitive data should be kept within build or repository; it should be schedulable e.g. once per day; it should fetch all updated or new content blocks since last run and copy its content into selected storage i.e. local file storage or cloud-based object storage like Amazon S3 / Google Cloud Storage. every run should create a subfolder within a selected storage e.g. “backup_010623

Backup Creator is a tool designed to back up updated or new content blocks from Salesforce Marketing Cloud. The program satisfies the following requirements:


  1. Secure Salesforce Marketing Cloud API Access:

    • Access tokens are requested dynamically and are not stored in the repository or build.
    • Credentials (client ID, client secret) are loaded from environment variables.
  2. Task Scheduler:

    • Supports daily task scheduling using cron expressions.
    • Tracks the last execution time using a local file to fetch only new data.
  3. Fetch Only Updated Data:

    • Retrieves content blocks that were updated or created since the last run.
  4. Flexible Storage Options:

    • Local file storage (file system).
    • Cloud-based storage (Amazon S3).
    • Each run creates a subfolder in the format backup_YYYYMMDD for data grouping.
  5. Parallel Processing:

    • Saves content blocks concurrently to improve performance.
graph TD
    %% Main application components
    A[main.go] -->|Initializes| B[Scheduler]
    A -->|Initializes| C[FetchService]
    A -->|Initializes| D[BackupService]

    %% Scheduler logic
    B -->|Schedules tasks with cron| E[cron.Cron]
    B -->|Reads last run time| F[LastRunFile]
    B -->|Fetches data| C[FetchService]
    B -->|Executes backup tasks| D[BackupService]

    %% FetchService logic
    C -->|Uses| G[ContentClient]
    G -->|Interacts with| H[Salesforce API]
    C -->|Implements| I[ContentProvider Interface]

    %% BackupService logic
    D -->|Saves content blocks| J[StorageProvider Interface]
    J -->|Supports| K[LocalStorage]
    J -->|Supports| L[S3Storage]

    %% Content and Auth Management
    H -->|Fetches data via token| M[Auth Service]
    M -->|Handles| N[Token Management]

    %% Supporting layers
    F -->|Stores last execution time| O[File System]
    J -->|Saves backups| O
    J -->|Saves backups| P[S3 Bucket]

How It Works


  • Set up environment variables: Create a .env file in the root directory.
  • Configures Salesforce API and storage clients.

Task Scheduling

  • Supports flexible scheduling using cron expressionsю
  • Determines the last execution time from a file.

Data Fetching

  • Fetches only the updated or new content blocks from Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

Data Saving

  • Saves content blocks to the selected storage (local or Amazon S3).
  • Each run creates a unique folder for the backed-up data.

Possible Improvements (TODO)

Test Environment

  • Add unit tests and integration tests.

Error Handling

  • Enhance error handling.

Structured Logging

  • Integrate a logger like zap or implement a logger using slog.

Support for Additional Cloud Storages

  • Implement saving to the Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob Storage.

Add cache to store token

  • Add cache to store token to improve performance (decrease amount of requests to API).

Advanced Parallel Processing

  • Use a semaphore to limit the number of concurrently running goroutines.

Monitoring and Alerts

  • Add notifications (e.g., Slack or Email) on task success or failure.

Running the Program

docker run -p 8080:8080 --env-file .env backup-creator


go test -cover -count=1 ./...


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