
Plan files format generator

Primary LanguageC#


Plan files format generator

The purpose of this application is generate plain files from a specific format. The formats are created by the user in the application setting each column of the file. You can also load the data in each column and export it as a plain text file.

By using serialization you can save the progress of your created formats, so you didn't lose them when you close the application.


You can add a new format by menu File->New Format... or shortcut Ctrl + N Each format needs the following information:

  • Name of the format
  • Name of the file to generate


You can add a new structure to the current format by menu File->New Structure... or shortcut Ctrl + T Each structure needs the following information:

  • Name of the structure
  • Type of the structure (Header, Detail, Footer)


Once you have created the structure, you have to load the columns to fill with data. By selecting the structure, you can find the "Add Column" panel, where you can add each column for the file structure. Each column needs at least a name for be loaded to the DataGridView. Later, you can add a row and complete the date for the file.


By menu File-> Export to file... or shortcut Ctrl + Alt + S you can export the current format to a file. The filename will be the one you set at the format creation menu. It will show a FolderBrowserDialog to select the saving path for the file.


In background, it'll be serializing the created formats in a Binary, SOAP or XML file. You can activate and select the serialization mode in the Preferences Menu.