aws-vault quick guide

Official tool at


  • Add aws-vault profiles

$ aws-vault --debug add <PROFILE>

  • Login to AWS Console

$ aws-vault --debug login <PROFILE>

  • Rotate aws-vault keys

$ aws-vault --debug rotate <PROFILE>

  • List aws-vault profiles, roles and sessions

$ aws-vault --debug list

  • Remove aws-vault keys

$ aws-vault --debug remove <PROFILE>

  • Clear aws-vault sessions

$ aws-vault --debug remove --sessions-only <PROFILE>


  • aws-vault basic use with subshell

$ aws-vault --debug exec <PROFILE> --

Starts a sub shell with the following ENV:


  • aws-vault basic use with inline command

$ aws-vault --debug exec <PROFILE> -- aws s3 ls

  • Use aws-vault with custom ttl

$ aws-vault --debug exec <PROFILE> --session-ttl=15m --assume-role-ttl=1h --

  • Use aws-vault with --server backend

$ aws-vault --debug exec <PROFILE> --session-ttl=1h --assume-role-ttl=8h --server

A local EC2 Instance Metadata server is started. This approach has the advantage that anything that uses Amazon's SDKs will automatically refresh credentials as needed, so session times can be as short as possible.

aws config

~/.aws/config example

Multiple roles in browsers

to start a new chrome/firefox profile per role

Using aws-vault with multiple Chrome windows by Ben Bridts

If you use Firefox check out Firefox Multi-account Containers. These allow custom sessions within a single firefox window - each container can be given a unique name, colour and icon. Sessions are isolated to containers, and tabs are colour coded to avoid accidentally using the wrong account. Install containers from the link below; then run aws-vault login -s \<PROFILE\> to produce a one-time URL, open a container tab and paste the URL in to the address bar.

Linux setup

Connor wrote a guide for linux backend: