
React-Babel-Webpack-Setup : Generated Starter Code For React Project.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status


User Info

``` AS developers, It's Always served

US well to have starter code generated

WITH dependencies/dev-Dependencies already in place

SO THAT we can start production and more timely develope the next React project. ```


- Babel/core

- React 16

- Webpack 4

- Hot Module Replacement

Recommended Tools

The following tools are recommended for a React-Webpack-Babel project. Also you will find included below some links for building some complex UI animations and conversion of SVG image into Data URL with the help of Webpack loader.

  • ESLint-loader, When using with transpiling loaders (like babel-loader), make sure they are in correct order(bottom to top). Otherwise files will be checked after being processed by babel- loader.
  • CSS-Tricks, For building complex UI animations in React.
  • Webpack CSS-loaders interprets @import and url() like import/ require() and will resolve them.
  • SVG-React-Webpack To utilize an SVG image in your React project, it will have to be transformed into a Data URL. We will need an appropriate webpack loader in our bundler.


git clone https://github.com/FernandoNunez-Dev/React-Webpack-Babel-Setup
cd React-Webpack-Babel-Setup
npm install
npm start

visit http://localhost:8080/