Full-stack Developer / Technical Skills JavaScript, Node.js, Vue.js, AI, Chat GPT, jQuery, Feathers.js, Keycloak, AWS, MySQL, RabbitMQ, Socket.io, Docker...
Pinned Repositories
Chat-GPT/Gemini - Node.js Application for PDF-based Resume Data Extraction with AI Integration
This project is a base setup for a Node.js REST Application using typescript. It is designed to serve as a starting point for other projects, providing a basic structure and common functionalities such as user management.
The AWS Services Backend is a REST API service built using Feathers.js that allows you to manipulate AWS Services actions.
FeathersJS application - This project is a base setup for a FeathersJS application. It is designed to serve as a starting point for other projects, providing a basic structure and common functionalities such as user authentication.
This is a frontend application integrated with Keycloak, which allows you to manage users, groups and roles.
This repository contains a collection of logic tests that I developed to improve my JavaScript skills.
The Rabbit MQ Panel Management Backend is a REST API service built using Feathers.js that allows you to manipulate RabbitMQ actions.
This project implements a speech-to-text system using the Google Cloud Speech-to-Text API and folder monitoring with the Chokidar library.
This repository contains a collection of practical exercises to improve your TypeScript skills
This project provides a video conferencing application built with Node.js, Socket.io and Peerjs - Simplifies WebRTC peer-to-peer data, video, and audio calls;
FernandoZorek's Repositories
Chat-GPT/Gemini - Node.js Application for PDF-based Resume Data Extraction with AI Integration
This is a frontend application integrated with Keycloak, which allows you to manage users, groups and roles.
This project is a base setup for a Node.js REST Application using typescript. It is designed to serve as a starting point for other projects, providing a basic structure and common functionalities such as user management.
The AWS Services Backend is a REST API service built using Feathers.js that allows you to manipulate AWS Services actions.
FeathersJS application - This project is a base setup for a FeathersJS application. It is designed to serve as a starting point for other projects, providing a basic structure and common functionalities such as user authentication.
This repository contains a collection of logic tests that I developed to improve my JavaScript skills.
The Rabbit MQ Panel Management Backend is a REST API service built using Feathers.js that allows you to manipulate RabbitMQ actions.
This project implements a speech-to-text system using the Google Cloud Speech-to-Text API and folder monitoring with the Chokidar library.
This repository contains a collection of practical exercises to improve your TypeScript skills
This project provides a video conferencing application built with Node.js, Socket.io and Peerjs - Simplifies WebRTC peer-to-peer data, video, and audio calls;