
QPM Rust action to make CI less jank

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

typescript-action status

QPM Rust Github Action


- name: QPM Rust Action
  uses: Fernthedev/qpm-action@v1
    workflow_token: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}

    qpm_version: 'version@^1.0.0' # Will download the newest qpm version which satisfies the range. By default, if empty, will download the latest release. use ref@main to download a workflow artifact from a branch or commit.

    restore: true # will run restore on download
    cache: true #will cache dependencies
    publish: 'late' # Will publish the package at the end of the action run. `now` will publish the package at the end of the qpm step

    publish_token: ${{secrets.QPM_TOKEN}} # Token required for authorization publish to qpackages.com
    version: '1.0.0' # defaults to qpm version, do not include v
    tag: 'v1.0.0' # defaults to version, this is the Github Release TAG, not version!

    # set to true if applicable, ASSUMES the file is already a relaease asset
    qpm_release_bin: true
    qpm_debug_bin: true

    # Name of qmod in release asset. Assumes exists, same as prior
    qpm_qmod: 'qmod_name'