
Web App de empresas

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status Coverage Status

Empresas App

App for the Oobj selective process.

App build can be seen in travis-ci.

App test coverage can be seen in coveralls.

App can be seen in https://empresas-app.herokuapp.com/

Deploy done automatically when commite is done in the master branch and build in travis-ci succeeds

Starting App


Rename config/config.example.js to config/config.js and adjust the it to fit your environment. Once thats done, your database configuration is ready!

Run the following commands:

npm install
node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:create
node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:migrate
npm start

This will start the application and create an database and run it's migrations. Just open http://localhost:3001.

Angular Client

Run the following commands:

cd client
npm install
npm start


There is some Mocha based test. You can run them by npm test


Eslint rules extends eslint-config-airbnb-base and eslint-config-prettier.


Tslint rules are the default of the angular-cli project.

Travis CI and Heroku

To add a deploy key to .travis.yml run: travis encrypt heroku auth:token --add deploy.api_key Obs: Make sure that you are logged at the travis cli and heroku cli.