
C++ procedural terrain/map generator

Primary LanguageC++

Simple Procedural room-based Dungeon and organic Map Generator

Based on this blog post, this reddit post and this youtube series

I highly recommend you take a look at those!


  • Package as library
  • Finish debugging
  • Do something with the .cc files
  • Perlin noise instead of pure random for organic map


Example compilation using MSYS2 MinGW-w64 (note that you need to use the mingw built cmake for the below to work!)

cmake . -G "MSYS Makefiles" -D build_demo=TRUE

or enter ./src

g++ -c -fPIC grid.cpp -o grid.o -I../include -std=c++11
ar rcs libGrid.a Grid.o
g++ -c -fPIC MapGenerator.cpp perlin_noise.cpp -o MapGenerator.o
g++ -fPIC MapGenerator.cpp perlin_noise.cpp Region.cpp MapSystem.cpp RoomSystem cpp NumTile.cpp -I../include -o generators.o -std=c++11
ar rcs libMapGenerator.a MapGenerator.o

enter ./demo

g++ main.cpp MapGenerator.cpp -I include -o main.exe -std=c++11 -L../lib -lMapGenerator


main.exe --help


  • -d or --dimensions [width] [height] : size of map (mandatory)
  • -f or --fillpercentage [int] : fill percentage: what percentage to fill the floor up to
  • -n or --organic : organic mode. Omit this and the map will be filled room-styled
  • -c or --connect : connect. Add this flag to fully connect the map
  • -nr or --norandom : Non random seed
  • -s or --smoothing [int] : how many smoothing steps to use
  • -dn or --dense : Dense version of non-organic map