
A public site to learn about Netdata built on Docusaurus 2

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Netdata Learn

A public site to learn about Netdata built on Docusaurus. Docusaurus is a free, open-source project maintained by Facebook. The site is then deployed automatically to Netlify from the latest commit to the master branch, which we also use to maintain certain redirects.

Docusaurus parses the Markdown (.md/.mdx) files in the repository and inserts the content from them into various templates, which are then used to build static HTML files that are deployed with Netlify.

Contributing to Netdata Learn

Most of the files in the /docs folder are "mirrors" of their original files in either the netdata/netdata or netdata/go.d.plugin repositories.

Generally speaking, the files in the /docs folder of repository should not be edited. The documentation contribution guidelines explains this architecture a bit further and explains some of the methods for making or suggesting edits.

Moreover, after taking a look at the documentation contribution guidelines, please take a look at the style guide. We offer friendly advice on how to produce quality documentation, hoping that it will help you in your contribution.

There are a few exceptions to the don't edit files in this repository rule. The following files can be edited here:

  • /docs/docs.mdxhttps://learn.netdata.cloud/docs
  • /docs/cloud.mdxhttps://learn.netdata.cloud/docs/cloud
  • Any file in the /docs/cloud/ directory, which generate all the https://learn.netdata.cloud/docs/cloud pages.

Finally, if you are curious about contributing to Netdata in other ways, take a look at the contributing handbook that we have compiled.


Clone this repository.

git clone git@github.com:netdata/netdata-learn-docusaurus.git
cd netdata-learn-docusaurus

Install dependencies.

yarn install

Create a .env file in the project root. This file will be ignored by Git and should NOT be committed, as it will contain sensitive environment variables.

touch .env

Edit the .env file and add the following.


Generate a new GitHub personal access token here.

  • Set the token note as netdata-learn.
  • Check repo.
  • Click Generate.
  • Copy the token and replace <token> in the .env file with it.

Local development

yarn start

This command starts a local development server and opens up a browser window. Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server.

If you get an error saying command not found when docusaurus is trying to start you need to install docusaurus (reference to docusaurus on npm).

yarn run v1.22.5
$ docusaurus start

Ingest and process documentation files

As explained in the contributing to Netdata's documentation section above, most of the files in the /docs folder are mirrors of their original versions in the netdata/netdata repository.

Documentation arrives in this repository via the ingest.js script. This script uses the GitHub API to gather and process all of Netdata's documentation, including changing file paths and overwriting links between documents, then places the files in the /docs, /guides, and /contribute folders.

Read more about how the ingest script works.

Automated ingest via GitHub Actions

This repo uses a GitHub Action called ingest.yml to run the ingest.js process.

This action runs at 14:00 UTC every day.

If there are changes to any documentation file, the GitHub Action creates a PR for review by a member of the Netdata team.

The action can be configured to automatically assign one or more reviewers. To enable automatic assignments, uncomment the # reviewers: line at the end of ingest.yml and add the appropriate GitHub username(s) either space- or comma-separated.

Manual ingest via GitHub Actions

To run the action manually, click on the Actions tab at the top of the page. Click on the Ingest workflow. On the right-hand side of the screen, there's a small dropdown menu that reads Run workflow. Click on that, then Run workflow.

As with the automated ingest, the action creates a PR if there are any changes.

Manual ingest via local environment

You can also run the script manually in a local development environment.

node ingest.js

If there are changes, you will see them with git status. You can then add, commit, and push these changes to the repository and create a new PR.

Using JSX components in Markdown (.mdx) files

We have a few custom JSX (React) components in use throughout the documentation. These components can be found in /src/components/, and can only be used to MDX (.mdx) files, which behave identically to traditional Markdown files (.md).

To use a component, you first need to import it into the top of the .mdx file. For example, from the /docs/cloud/get-started.mdx file:

title: Get started with Netdata Cloud
description: >-
  Ready to get real-time visibility into your entire infrastructure? 
  This guide will help you get started on Netdata Cloud.
image: /img/seo/cloud_get-started.png
custom_edit_url: link to GitHub source file

import Callout from '@site/src/components/Callout'


The import path should begin with @site and then continue with the rest of the path to the component file. Here are the available components:

import Callout from '@site/src/components/Callout'
import { Grid, Box, BoxList, BoxListItem } from '@site/src/components/Grid/'
import { OneLineInstallWget, OneLineInstallCurl } from '@site/src/components/OneLineInstall/'
import { Install, InstallBox } from '@site/src/components/Install/'
import { Calculator } from '@site/src/components/agent/dbCalc/'

See each file for usage information, or reference a file where the component is already being used.

Add or update a guide

The process for adding or updating guide content is similar to that of Agent documentation—the guides live inside the Agent repo, after all. However, there are a few additional steps.

  1. Put the guide into the /docs/guides/ folder inside the netdata/netdata repository, create a PR, and have the guide reviewed/approved by engineering using the standard practice.
  2. Merge your PR with the new/updated guide.
  3. Ingest the new guide into the netdata/learn repository via one of the methods listed above.
  4. Open /src/pages/guides.js, which contains the code for the Guides page. Unfortunately, this page is still hard-coded.
  5. Find the GuideItems array near the top of the file.
  6. Duplicate an existing item and replace the title, href, category, and description fields. 1. title can be pulled directly from the guide's frontmatter. 2. href is the full path (minus any extension) to the guide. It always starts with /guides/ 3. category is one of the following: configure, deploy, collect-monitor, export, and step-by-step 4. description can be pulled directly from the guide's frontmatter.
  7. The end result should look something like this:
    const GuideItems = [
        title: <>Develop a custom data collector in Python</>,
        href: '/guides/python-collector',
        category: 'develop',
        description: (
            Learn how write a custom data collector in Python, which you'll use to collect metrics from and monitor any application that isn't supported out of the box.
  8. Save the file, commit, and push your code. Create a new PR, check the deploy preview, get a review, and merge it.

Add a category The GuideCategories array contains all the possible categories. To add a new one, create a new item in the array with the label, title, and description.

Update news on the Learn homepage

There are two parts to the news section on the Learn homepage: the timeline and the latest release.


The timeline section on the Learn homepage should be updated whenever the team publishes new docs/guides or when an existing doc/guide receives a major overhaul/improvement.

  1. Open the /src/data/News.js file.
  2. Find the News array near the top of the page.
  3. Duplicate an existing item and replace the title, href, date, type, and description fields.
    1. title can be pulled directly from .md file.
    2. href field is the full path, including the root /, to that document.
    3. date is the date that doc was published/updated.
    4. type is one of the following: Doc, Guide, Video
    5. description can be pulled directly from .md file. It must be surrounded by the <> … </> tags to React-ify it and escape any troublesome characters.
  4. The end result should look something like this:
    const updates = [
        title: <>Monitor any process in real-time with Netdata</>,
        href: '/guides/monitor/process',
        date: 'December 8, 2020',
        type: 'Guide',
        description: (
            Tap into Netdata's powerful collectors, with per-second utilization metrics for every process, to troubleshoot faster and make data-informed decisions.
  5. If you added one news item, delete the oldest item from the list. Try to maintain only 6 items in the list at any one time.
  6. Save the file, commit, and push your code. Create a new PR, check the deploy preview, get a review, and merge it.

Latest release

Update the latest release section when there is a new release of Netdata, like

  1. Open the /src/data/News.js file.
  2. Find the ReleaseVersion and ReleaseDate variables, and the ReleaseNotes array.
  3. Update the version and date.
  4. Update the major features in ReleaseNotes, which are then converted into the list.
  5. The end result should look something like this:
    export const ReleaseVersion = '1.31.0'
    export const ReleaseDate = 'May 19, 2021'
    export const ReleaseNotes = [
      'Re-packaged and redesigned dashboard',
      'eBPF expands into the directory cache',
      'Machine learning-powered collectors',
      'An improved Netdata learning experience',
  6. Save the file, commit, and push your code. Create a new PR, check the deploy preview, merge it.

Edit the sidebar

To edit the links displayed in the sidebar, edit sidebars.js. This is a JSON-like file with an entry for every documentation page. You can add individual docs by typing out the path to that document (minus the /docs/ folder and minus the .md/.mdx extension). You can also create new dropdown groupings with the type: 'category' option.

See the Docusaurus docs for details.

Edit CSS

Global CSS rules are stored in /src/css/custom.css file.

The various pages and components that make up Learn also come with extra CSS using Tailwind, which uses utility classes to create styling. You can find these utility classes throughout the components and pages.

For example, the following utility classes style the hero text on the Learn homepage.

<div className="z-10 relative w-full md:w-3/4 lg:w-1/2">
  <h1 className="text-2xl lg:text-5xl text-text font-semibold mb-6 dark:text-gray-50">{siteConfig.title}</h1>
  <p className="prose text-lg lg:text-xl text-text dark:text-gray-50">{siteConfig.tagline}</p>


yarn build

This command generates static content into the build directory and can be served using any static contents hosting service.

Update Docusaurus

The current version is v2.0.0-beta.0, which, as of June 14, 2021, is the latest version of Docusaurus. Stay tuned to the Docusaurus website and GitHub project for future updates.

Generally, it's not recommended to update unless there's a new feature that's a must-have or a fix to a major bug. v2.0.0-beta.0 is very stable and provides all the functionality we need at this point. Updates also could create issues with custom components.

To update Docusaurus, open package.json and update the string next to "@docusaurus/core" and "@docusaurus/preset-classic". Run yarn install to upgrade the dependencies locally, then run yarn start to test the new version. If everything works as expected, commit/push your changes to GitHub.

Custom (swizzled) Docusaurus components

Every .js file in the /src/theme folder is a component that has been customized from the defaults supplied by Docusaurus. This process is called swizzling.

The customizations in each file are marked with BEGIN EDIT/END EDIT comments.

If you update Docusaurus, these swizzled components aren't updated. This could create some breakage if there are major changes to the default versions of these components in the Docusaurus core. The only solution is to merge the existing customizations with the new version of the file or remove the customizations altogether.

To merge:

  1. Make a copy of the component (xyz.js) in the /src/theme folder and save it outside the repo.
  2. Delete the file/folder for that component.
  3. Run yarn run swizzle @docusaurus/theme-classic NAME, replacing NAME with the name of the component, like DocItem or Seo. You may also have to add a -- --danger to the end: yarn run swizzle @docusaurus/theme-classic NAME -- --danger.
  4. Open the newly-created .js file in the /src/theme folder.
  5. Add the customization (the code between BEGIN EDIT/END EDIT) comments, back into the file in the appropriate place.
  6. Start Docusaurus with yarn start and test.


Deployment is handled automatically through Netlify. Each new commit to the master branch deploys the latest version of Netdata Learn. If there are questions about deployment, please create an issue.


If a document is moved from one location to another, edit the netlify.toml file with the previous path (from) and the new path (to).

  from = "/docs/agent/packaging/installer"
  to = "/docs/get-netdata"

The SRE team also maintains redirects that happen at the Cloudflare level. This includes all the redirects from docs.netdata.cloud. Please contact @netdata/infra to add any rules that should be managed by Cloudflare instead of Netlify.

Broken link checker

This repo uses a GitHub Action called check-broken-links.yml to test the internal links in each Markdown file.

This action runs at 17:00 UTC every day.

If the action finds broken links, it creates a new issue (example). Click View the results. to find which file(s) contain broken links.

Netdata Community

This repository follows the Netdata Code of Conduct and is part of the Netdata Community.