SnowRunner Manual Gearbox Mod

Disables 'auto' gear shifting in favor of manual shifting through custom keybindings for keyboard and gamepads.

Currently Logitech Driving Force Shifter and other joystick-type devices are not supported, but I'm working on it.


  1. Get the latest release here
  2. Extract .dll and .exe files from archive into the game folder, where SnowRunner.exe is located
  3. Start SnowRunner
  4. Run smgm-loader.exe to apply the mod


When you use the mod for the first time, it'll create a config file (smgm.ini) near game's main .exe file. There you can change keybinding for keyboard and for gamepad separately. By default, cycling through gears is done by LCtrl and LAlt on keyboards, and DPad Left & Right on gamepads. Keys are represented by hex values.

You can find all values for keyboard keys in Microsoft docs.

Available gamepad keys:

#define VK_PAD_A                        0x5800
#define VK_PAD_B                        0x5801
#define VK_PAD_X                        0x5802
#define VK_PAD_Y                        0x5803
#define VK_PAD_RSHOULDER                0x5804
#define VK_PAD_LSHOULDER                0x5805
#define VK_PAD_LTRIGGER                 0x5806
#define VK_PAD_RTRIGGER                 0x5807

#define VK_PAD_DPAD_UP                  0x5810
#define VK_PAD_DPAD_DOWN                0x5811
#define VK_PAD_DPAD_LEFT                0x5812
#define VK_PAD_DPAD_RIGHT               0x5813
#define VK_PAD_START                    0x5814
#define VK_PAD_BACK                     0x5815
#define VK_PAD_LTHUMB_PRESS             0x5816
#define VK_PAD_RTHUMB_PRESS             0x5817

#define VK_PAD_LTHUMB_UP                0x5820
#define VK_PAD_LTHUMB_DOWN              0x5821
#define VK_PAD_LTHUMB_RIGHT             0x5822
#define VK_PAD_LTHUMB_LEFT              0x5823
#define VK_PAD_LTHUMB_UPLEFT            0x5824
#define VK_PAD_LTHUMB_UPRIGHT           0x5825
#define VK_PAD_LTHUMB_DOWNRIGHT         0x5826
#define VK_PAD_LTHUMB_DOWNLEFT          0x5827

#define VK_PAD_RTHUMB_UP                0x5830
#define VK_PAD_RTHUMB_DOWN              0x5831
#define VK_PAD_RTHUMB_RIGHT             0x5832
#define VK_PAD_RTHUMB_LEFT              0x5833
#define VK_PAD_RTHUMB_UPLEFT            0x5834
#define VK_PAD_RTHUMB_UPRIGHT           0x5835
#define VK_PAD_RTHUMB_DOWNRIGHT         0x5836
#define VK_PAD_RTHUMB_DOWNLEFT          0x5837

To apply new changes you must restart the mod.

  • Press F1 to detach the mod from the game (you will see DLL Detach message in the console)
  • Close console window
  • Run smgm-loader.exe again

Known issues

  • Gearbox UI is not updated when you shift gears
  • First gear will be labeled as Low+ if your truck has that gear
  • No engine stalling
  • You can use Diff Lock when the truck is on first gear. But only while you hold the in-game key for shifting gears
  • Key presses are captured even when game is collapsed

