
Linux support

Opened this issue · 1 comments

The mod works fine on linux using proton, but there is a bit of tinkering necessary. Below is a little script starting the mod.

The script have to be stored and executed in the same place where the smgm-loader.exe is stored.

Keep in mind that protonPath have to be the path to the proton instance used to run SnowRunner. Its important to use the same proton version that is used for the game as well. Otherwise it wont work and throw an error.



# config
protonPath="${steamPath}/steamapps/common/Proton 6.3"

# script start
export STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH="${steamPath}/steamapps/compatdata/1465360"

cd $(pwd -P) # resolve symlinks in working dir. needed in order to work. 

"${protonPath}/proton" run smgm-loader.exe

I hope this helps if someone want to use this mod on linux :)

Nice! Someone might need this. I'll keep this issue active until I add it to the README