Coding challenge as part of the interview process for an Android role at Blloc.
Build an android app that shows the most recent 20 notifications the device received. Request Permission When the app does NOT have notification access. Display a UI that informs the user and has a button to grant permissions. When the user clicks the button they go into settings where they can grant the notification permission.
When the app has notification access. The user sees their last 20 notifications or an empty state if none. Notifications are sorted from most to least recent. If the user receives a notification the list is updated. If they receive a notification while the app is not in the foreground, the next time they open the app they should see the list. The notification consists of the title, content and app icon. You can add any other information you see fit.
The UI supports a way to filter the notifications list. ● All notifications (default) - shows the most recent 20 notifications ● Active only - shows only the currently active notifications (the ones show in the notification shade)
● The app meets the requirements ● Clean and maintainable code with separation of concerns. This is a small app but the code should be written in a way to enable scaling it to a bigger app ● The app follows the android platform requirements and best practices e.g. configuration changes, process death, localisation.... ● Performance - efficient layouts, efficient use of resources (no leaks)
● Notification listener service : ● Requesting notification access: