Altium Things

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This repository is a collection of all my commonly used settings, defaults and keyboard-shortcuts regarding the schematic editor and PCB layout program Altium.

Table of Contents

1 - General keyboard shortcuts

Shortcut Function
Ctrl + Left-click (on menu/toolbar) Edit corresponding shortcut-combination
Escape / Right-click Cancel
Shift + C Clear filter
Ctrl + R Duplicate selection (rubber stamp)
Ctrl + M Measure

2 - Schematic Layout

2.1 - Tips & Tricks

  • Select X7R capacitors if possible
  • TODO

2.2 - Keyboard shortcuts


3 - PCB Layout

3.1 - Tips & Tricks

  • The PCB will be made for real so draw it in mm
  • Placing a & before a letter (layer-view-names, ...) makes it so the corresponding keyboard-letter can be pressed to trigger the entry when the menu is open
  • Pressing Tab when routing, ... can be used to change the current settings (Enter to exit)
  • Change board dimensions (route-toolpath-lines on layer Mech-28, 1 mm grid)
    • Design > Board Shape > Define board shape from selected objects (Tab so select all lines)
    • Tools > Convert > Create board cutout from selected primitives
  • Check clearance between polygons, ... : Report > Measure Primitives > Check clearance between polygons
Grid Component track placement 0.1 mm Snap distance: 0.25 mm
Polygons (?) 0.5 mm
Board-outline 1.0 mm
Labels Designators Height: 0.8 mm Stroke: 0.1 mm
Small text Height: 0.8 mm Stroke: 0.2 mm
Medium text (?) (Company Name) Height: 1.0 mm Stroke: 0.2 mm
Big text Height: 1.5 mm Stroke: 0.3 mm
Very big text (?) (RS232) Height: 2.0 mm Stroke: 0.3 mm
Tracks Default 0.5 mm ~1.75 A @ 35 µm (1 oz)
Small pitch-pins 0.4 mm ~1.50 A @ 35 µm (1 oz)
Small pitch-pins 0.3 mm ~1.25 A @ 35 µm (1 oz)
Vias Default (0.25 mm diam. hole) H=250, T=B=I=0700, M=0450 ~2.00 A @ 35 µm (1 oz)

3.2 - Keyboard shortcuts

Viewing Viewing
- 1 : Enable Board Planning mode
- 2 : Enable 2D Layout mode
- 3 : Enable 3D Layout mode
  - 0 : Reset 3D view (zero rotation)
- Ctrl + F : Flip board
- Hold Shift : Speedup panning (when moving)
- V, F : View > Fit Board

- Q : Change units (PCB layout = mm!)
- Shift + H : Toggle HUD
- Insert / Left-click : Reset HUD-delta
- L : Show (active) layers
- Shift + S : Cycle (active) layers

- Hold Shift : Highlight net on hover
- Ctrl + Left-click : Highlight net
- Ctrl + Shift + Left-click : Add highlighted net to selection

- Ctrl (?) : View alignment lines in relation to boundaries of nearby components
- Shift : View alignment lines in relation to pads of nearby components
Selection Moving
- Tab : Select next (track-segment, ...)
- Shift + Tab : Change selected (overlapping) item

- Alt + Drag (L⇒R) : Only select (multiple) connections
- Ctrl + Drag (L⇒R) : Only select (multiple) pads

- Ctrl + Shift + X Toggle cross-select mode
- Ctrl + Shift + Y Toggle reposition selected component in PCB
- Ctrl + E : Display snap pallette options
- Shift + E : Change layer snapping (?)
- Ctrl : Temporary disable snapping
- Ctrl + Drag : Add vertex to polygon

- Ctrl + (Shift +) Up / Down / Left / right : Move selection
- Drag + Up / Down / Left / Right : Move selection

Routing Routing
- Ctrl + W : Start interactive routing
- Ctrl + Left-click : Try to autoroute current connection

- Backspace : Delete current & select next track-segment (/undo last segment)
- Delete : Delete (item, track, ...)

- (Shift +) R : Cycle placement modes (ignore - push - avoid)
- Ctrl + W : Toggle clearance boundaries

- 9 : Go to other end

- (Shift +) W : Change tracks size (?)
- Shift + V / Shift + A / 4 : Change via size (?)
- Space : Change track angle
- Ctrl + Alt + G : Simplify selected tracks (gloss)
- 📝 Ctrl + Alt + Shift + A : Repour all polygons

- + / - (numpad)
  ⇒ 📝= / :pencil:- : Change layer (or (Ctrl +) Left-click in bottom-layer-bar)
- Ctrl + Shift + Scroll : Layer up/down

- (Shift +) * (numpad)
  ⇒ 📝$ : Change signal layer (& add via)
- / (numpad) : Go to power plane & add via

- L : Change component layer
- Ctrl + L : Change layer