
Scripts to help run the Rackspace Monitoring Agent under CoreOS

Primary LanguagePython

This repository is some helper scripts for running the Rackspace Monitoring agent under CoreOS.

Due to the nature of the agent, it shouldn't be run in a Docker container as that will restrict
access to some of the things it might need to check. Instead we're going to put it in a 
systemd-nspawn container similar to what https://github.com/coreos/toolbox and
https://github.com/openstack/ironic-python-agent do.

1) Run ./build_agent_container.bash -- it will create rackspace-monitoring-agent-container.tar.xz
   this tarball contains a filesystem appropriate for a rackspace-monitoring-agent container.
2) Extract the container to /opt/rackspace-monitoring-agent:
   - mkdir -p /opt/rackspace-monitoring-agent
   - tar -x -C /opt/rackspace-monitoring-agent -f rackspace-monitoring-agent-container.tar.xz
3) Create your monitoring agent config
   - /opt/rackspace-monitoring-agent/usr/bin/rackspace-monitoring-agent  --setup --username YOUR_USERNAME --apikey YOUR_KEY
4) Move monitoring agent config at /opt/rackspace-monitoring-agent/etc/rackspace-monitoring-agent.conf.d/
   - mv /etc/rackspace-monitoring-agent.cfg /opt/rackspace-monitoring-agent/etc/rackspace-monitoring-agent.conf.d/
5) Set to run under systemd
   - cp rackspace-monitoring-agent.service /etc/systemd/system/
   - systemctl enable /etc/systemd/system/rackspace-monitoring-agent.service
   - systemctl start rackspace-monitoring-agent.service