This list keeps track of interesting D3js libraries, plugins and utilities.
We decided not to list tutorials, resources or concepts here, because there is already a very good list of readings out there you can check out and contribute to.
Curators: Moritz Klack and Christopher Möller of
- bullet chart - Bullet chart
- cirrus.js - A multi-renderer charts library
- cubism - Time Series Visualization
- cola.js - Layout for graph visualization and exploration
- c3 - Reusable chart library
- dagre-d3 - Layout directed graphs on the client-side
- dc - For heavy amounts of data
- dimple - An object-oriented API for business analytics
- d3.chart - Framework for building reusable charts
- d3.chart.sankey - Reusable D3 Sankey diagram
- d3-flame-graph - Flame graphs from hierarchical data
- d3-message-sequence - A dynamic/static message sequence chart
- d3-timeline - responsive timeline charts
- d3fc - A collection of interactive chart components
- D3Funnel - A funnel and pyramid chart library
- d3panels - Interactive charts with linked brushing
- d3pie - A configurable pie chart lib and generator
- D3xter - Straight forward plotting
- d3 timeseries - Time series charting library
- D4 - Re-usable charts DSL
- dTree - Family tree library
- epoch - A general purpose, real-time visualization library
- EventDrops - A time based/event series interactive visualization
- fancycharts - Library to visualize percentage values
- firespray - Streaming charts
- forest-d3 - A time series charting library
- Gantt-Chart - Gantt chart library
- metricsgraphics - Optimized for visualizing time-series data
- micropolar - A polar chart library
- mpld3 - Export matplotlib graphics to work in the Browser
- nvd3 - Re-usable charts and chart components
- peek - Object-oriented chart library
- plotly - High level charting library
- plottablejs - Flexible, interactive charts for the web
- pykcharts - Themeable, responsive, modular, real-time charts and 109+ maps
- radar chart - Radar chart module
- rickshaw - Toolkit for creating interactive real-time graphs
- sankey - Plugin to create Sankey Diagrams
- taucharts - Charts with a focus on design and flexibility
- techanjs - A visual, stock charting and technical analysis
- uvCharts - Supports lots of different chart types
- vega - A visualization grammar
- vizabi - A framework for building visual data exploration tools
- xkcdgraphs - Xkcd style graphs
- angular-nvd3 - NVd3 for Angular
- d3act - d3 with React
- d3 simplecharts - A d3 wordpress plugin
- ember charts - Charts for Ember
- n3-charts - Charts for Angular
- react-d3 - Charts for React
- react-d3-components - D3 Components
- react-stockcharts - Highly customizable stock charts
- react-vis - A collection of react components to render common data visualization charts
- recharts - Re-designed charting library built with React
- victory - A collection of composable React components for building interactive data visualizations
- carto map - A mapping API that uses D3 geospatial functionality
- composite-projections - Set of projections for showing countries' distant lands together
- datamaps - Customizable map visualizations in one file
- d3 cartogram - Cartograms with D3 & TopoJSON
- d3 geo projection - Extended geographic projections
- d3 geomap - Library for creating geographic maps
- simple map - Easy choropleth style maps
- mapmap.js - A data-driven API for interactive thematic maps
- mapsense.js - Full resolution vector maps with D3
- leaflet-d3 - Collection of plugins for using D3 with Leaflet
- Wikimaps-D3js Atlas - Command line utility and D3js based library to generate raster, topojson and svg maps
- chroniton - Time slider input for time-based visualizations and data
- d3kit-timeline - Timeline component that labels do not overlap
- d3-extended - Extends d3 with some common jQuery functions
- d3-helpers - Little utility functions
- d3-iconarray - A plug-in for aligning elements in grids
- d3-kit - A set of tools to speed D3 related project development
- d3-Labeler - Plug-in for automatic label placement
- d3-legend - Legend helper
- d3-plus - An extension to the D3 library that allows fast and easy creation of data visualizations
- d3-starterkit - Helper functions simplifying common and verbose d3 patterns
- d3-tip - Tooltips helper
- d3-trail - A layout for creating better path elements with d3
- d3.slider - jQuery UI inspired slider
- d3.svg.circularbrush - A brush for selecting cyclical data
- d3.svg.ribbon - An area interpolator
- d3-nelson-rules - Utility to apply nelsons rules of process control to a set of data
- d3-peaks - Find peaks in a noisy signal
- d3-starterkit - Snippets and conventions for d3
- d3-xray - Bookmarklet which logs the results of the data joins as you mouse over
- jetpack - Nifty convenience wrappers that speed up your daily work
- kodama - Tooltip Plugin
- swoopyarrows - Plugin to create swoopy arrows with d3
- swoopyDrag - Artisanal label placement for d3 graphics
- textures - SVG patterns for Data Visualization
- chess-dataviz - Chess dataviz library
- codeflower - Bird's eye view of the whole code
- comic.js - Cartoon style drawing (works also for canvas, Raphael & SVG.js)
- dragit - A toolkit to enable the manipulation of data graphics
- d3moji - First class emoji support
- d3-cloud - Word clouds
- d3-context-menu - Helper to create context-menus
- d3-resume - Resume visualizer
- d3.sketchy - Creates sketchy backgrounds, shapes and lines
- d3plus - An extension to D3 that allows fast and easy creation of data visualizations
- graph-scroll - Simple scrolling events for d3 graphics
- jsdocs2diagram - Create tree diagram from jsdoc
- D3.js snippets for Sublime Text 2 - A Sublime Text 2 package with d3 snippets
- Atom D3 snippets - An Atom package with d3 snippets