evitaDB is a specialized database with an easy-to-use API for e-commerce systems. It is a low-latency NoSQL in-memory engine that handles all the complex tasks that e-commerce systems have to deal with on a daily basis. evitaDB is expected to act as a fast secondary lookup/search index used by front stores.
- ahmedtaddeWashington, D.C
- crabhi
- gingo
- hanusto@OpenWiseSolutions
- harmimOracle NetSuite AI
- HenkPoley
- Ivorius
- ivoshm
- JakubTrousil
- jan-zajicCorpus Solutions a.s.
- janhn
- JanTvrdikPrague
- JeeppersCreeppers
- jerrinot@questdb
- jiri-matejka
- Kamest
- landsmanPrague, Czech Republic
- lcirHradec Králové
- lttrCzech Republic
- lukashornychFG Forrest, a.s.
- martinkrasa
- MartinWeiss01Czechia
- michalkolesnac
- milossamekCzech Republic
- MiroslavAltFG Forrest
- muarifer@serenayyazilim
- novojFG Forrest, a.s.
- ondrejsika@sikalabs, ex @braiins @slushpool
- phlavacek
- smejdilOpen-Tech
- soukicz@simplia
- tdlabac
- troksfi1
- umit@TykTechnologies
- ViliamKopeckyKiloMayo
- whizzTallship.cz