# Download repository:
git clone https://github.com/Fibonacci-Team/frontend-template frontend-template
# Go to the app:
cd frontend-template
# Install dependencies:
npm i
# Server with hot reload at http://localhost:8082/
npm run dev
# Output will be at dist/ folder
npm run build
- main app PUGsrc/assets/scss
- put custom app SCSS styles here. Don't forget to import them inindex.js
- the same as above but CSS here. Don't forget to import them inindex.js
- put images here. Don't forget to use correct path:assets/img/some.jpg
- put svg here. Don't forget to use correct path:assets/svg/sprite.svg#id
- put custom app scripts heresrc/index.js
- main app file where you include/import all required libs and init appsrc/components
- folder with custom.vue
- app store for vuestatic/
- folder with extra static assets that will be copied into output folder
Easy way to move all files. Default:
const PATHS = {
// Path to main app dir
src: path.join(__dirname, '../src'),
// Path to Output dir
dist: path.join(__dirname, '../dist'),
// Path to Second Output dir (js/css/fonts etc folder)
assets: 'assets/'
Change any folders:
const PATHS = {
// src must be src
src: path.join(__dirname, '../src'),
// dist to public
dist: path.join(__dirname, '../public'),
// assets to static
assets: 'static/'
- Install libs
- Import libs in
// React example
import React from 'react'
// Bootstrap example
import Bootstrap from 'bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js'
import 'bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js'
- Install libs
- Go to
- Import libs in node modules
// Sass librarys example:
@import '~swiper/swiper';
@import '~swiper/components/navigation/navigation';
@import '~swiper/components/pagination/pagination';
- Create another js module in
folder - Import modules in
// another js file for example
import './modules/slider';
Default: already have
- Install vue
npm install vue --save
- Init vue
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app'
- Create div id app
<div id="app">
<!-- content -->
- Install vuex
npm install vuex --save
- Import Vuex
import store from './store'
- Create index.js in
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
export default new Vuex.Store({
// vuex content
Create your component in /components/
HTML Usage:
- Init component in
Vue.component('example-component', require('./components/Example.vue').default)
- Any html files:
<example-component />
VUE Usage:
- import components in .vue:
import example from '~/components/Example.vue'
- Register component:
components: {
- Init in vue component:
<example />
- .pug dir:
- Configurations: in
const PAGES_DIR = PATHS.src
All files must be created in the ./src/pug
Pug files structure
- Page layout variants. Default -default.pug
- Universal, non-customizable markup, which can be used in multiple places.components/
- Mixins: reusable and customizable markup. Usually these are: quotes, blog posts etc. Included only where used.components/utils.pug
- Universal, context-independent reusable mixins. Included on every page.sections/
- Contains sections, that are used multiple times in project. Allows minor customization if necessary. If components are used in a section, they must be included in the section, not on the page.pages/
- Website pages.functions/
- Pug/JS functions. Due to poor js functions in pug files formatting, would be better to write each function in separate file and include it in main function file -functions.pug
Automatic creation any pug pages:
- Create another pug file in
(main folder) - Open new page
(Don't forget to RERUN dev server)
Automatic creation sprite:
- Add
file in./src/assets/svg
- Run dev server (You don't need to RERUN dev server)
+svg('to-top', 20, 20, 'to-top')
More about mixin look in ./src/pug/utils/mixins.pug
<svg width="20" height="20" class="to-top">
<use xlink:href="assets/svg/sprite.svg#to-top"></use>
It is not necessary to change validation rules manually, it is better to discuss it together and make a general decision.
Along with the validation, the autofix is started - everything that can be corrected by the linter in automatic mode.
Validation rules are described in .stylelintrc.json
How to add an exception for a validator
#id {
color: pink !important; /* stylelint-disable-line declaration-no-important */
/* stylelint-disable */
a {}
/* stylelint-enable */
#id {
/* stylelint-disable-next-line declaration-no-important */
color: pink !important;
Validation rules are described in .eslintrc.json
How to add an exception for a validator
alert('foo'); /* eslint-disable-line no-alert */
/* eslint-disable */
/* eslint-enable */
/* eslint-disable no-alert, no-console */
/* eslint-enable no-alert, no-console */
- Update js modules system
- Stylelint: BEM
- Stylelint: styles order
- Webpack chunks loading
- Blade lint
- SASS linter
- Javascript linter
- HTML linter
- Pug linter
- Git hook for project testing
- Make pug structure
- Make sass structure
- Optimize styles file size
- Adjust fluid typography
- Check grid classes
- Make image optimization
- Check if fluid's typography calc is expensive - it's fine
- Add default favicon
- Lazy load images/videos/iframe
Copyright (c) 2020-present, Andrii Helever, Kateryna Minakova