
This is a simple project to revise my skills on mongoDB and Nodejs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

I began setting up my project and installed dependancies that I was to us in my project. I then set up my MongoDB database and built a model using my mongoose ORM. I was to install mongoDB but chose to install mongoose as my ORM, an easier way to create schemas. Thereafter, I connected to my mongoDB database via mongoose, Created and defined a Blog model with a blogSchema and finally setup controllers to consume the services I created. Next I created routes for the respective controllers by importing the controllers and defined the routes for each controller using the express router. Later on, in the app.js file I added a new middleware so that my app can use the routes i defined.This was so that when you send a request to the route "/api/blogs", express checks the routes defined in the routes folder and request routes that match the URL.


  1. Express
  2. Mongoose
  3. Mocha
  4. Chai
  5. chai-http

Best Practices

I have used this to handle errors and ensure the server does not crash/fail.

2.Asynchronous Javascript.
This is the ability of JavaScript to execute multiple tasks simultaneously without blocking the execution of other tasks. This is particularly important when dealing with time-consuming operations such as making API calls, reading and writing files, or performing database queries.

3. Modularity:
Breaking your code into smaller, reusable modules can make it easier to understand, test, and maintain.

4. Testing:
Automated tests are crucial to every web application. They save you time that would otherwise be spent running repetitive tests to see if your code works as expected.I have done this using the chai module.