
Generate and run Praat scripts from Node.js.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Generate and run Praat scripts from Node.js.


Download node at nodejs.org and install it, if you haven't already.

npm install praat-script --save

To actually run scripts, you will need Praat. node-praat (npm install praat) is one easy way to install it in a Node application. praat is an optional dependency of praat-script and is required for the .run() convenience method to function correctly.


Creating and running scripts

To demonstrate praat-script, we'll use a simple script that generates a Sound object, plays it and exits.

var praatScript = require('praat-script');
  'Create Sound as pure tone: "tone", 1, 0, 0.1, 44100, 440, 0.2, 0.01, 0.01' + '\r\n' +
]).run(function(err) {
    if (err)
        throw err;

But this module really shines when used along with ES6 tagged template strings.

Since template strings are multi-line, the ES6 version of our static script is already nicer to look at: (Run with a JavaScript engine that supports ES6 template strings, or use a transpiler like Traceur.)

  Create Sound as pure tone: "tone", 1, 0, 0.1, 44100, 440, 0.2, 0.01, 0.01
` //.run(...);

And now we can even embed JavaScript expressions directly in our Praat code! praat-script quotes and escapes everything correctly.

var freq = 440;
var name = "theTone";
  Create Sound as pure tone: ${name}, 1, 0, 0.1, 44100, ${freq * 2}, 0.2, 0.01, 0.01
` //.run(...);

Of course, since template strings are merely syntactic sugar, you can technically also do the same in ES5, though it won't be as readable:

        'Create Sound as pure tone: ',
        /* name will go here */ ', 1, 0, 0.1, 44100, ',
        /* freq*2 will go here */ ', 0.2, 0.01, 0.01' + '\r\n' +
    name, freq*2
) //.run(...);

Miscellaneous functions

Getting the text of a script

praatScript`...` .toString() or praatScript([...]).toString() works as you'd expect.

Specifying the path to Praat

Using .runWith('path/to/praat', callback) instead of .run(callback) will use the specified Praat executable instead of the default (which is the path returned by require('praat')).


praatScript.formatArgument(value) takes a JavaScript value and returns a string formatted for use in Praat.

.run(script, cb) (and .runWith(pathToPraat, script, cb))

You can bypass the template functionality entirely and execute a script by passing its source code as praatScript.run()'s first argument (a string). This otherwise works similarly to calling .run() on the template string instance.


npm install
npm test

> praat-script@0.1.1 test node-praat-script
> mocha
  praat-script module
      √ should quote and escape string arguments 
      √ should stringify numbers 
      √ should convert booleans to 0 and 1 
    template string
      √ should escape arguments correctly via praatScript`...` 
      √ should run an empty script successfully (118ms)
      √ should run a simple script successfully (872ms)
      √ should run a template string script successfully (1052ms)
  template script instance
      √ should run an empty script successfully (82ms)
      √ should run a simple script successfully (950ms)
      √ should run a template string script successfully (897ms)
  10 passing (4s)


  • tmp: Temporary file and directory creator

Optional Dependencies

  • praat: A cross-platform NPM installer for Praat (required to use .run())

Dev Dependencies

  • mocha: simple, flexible, fun test framework
  • mocha-traceur: A "compiler" plugin for Mocha that makes non-dependency JS files to pass through Traceur
  • traceur: ES6 to ES5 compiler



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