
An Apache Lucene TokenFilter that uses a word2vec vectors for term expansion.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

word2vec query expansion component for Apache Lucene

This is a working Apache Lucene TokenFilter that uses a word2vec model for term expansion.

To build the scripts, do:

git submodule update --init
mvn package appassembler:assemble

The current code can read word2vec vectors in its C binary representation and will transform them to a Java format. It will scan each token in the TokenStream and expand it using word2vec vectors. More interestingly, it can also consider a window of terms (two or three terms), and add them together to find a vector related to the words in question. In a manner similar to the default Apache Lucene’s SynonymFilter, the expanded terms appear as extra tokens appearing at the exact position as the original terms.

Word2VecFilter finds expansions by exhaustively searching for word2vec vectors closer (in an Euclidean distance sense) to a target vector. The target vector can be the vector associated with an original term or the additive combination of the vectors associated with several continuous query terms.

The current code base works directly with the Google News and Freebase vectors distributed by Google Inc.

An example corpus of 19 documents (the Wikipedia pages for all cities in Quebec with more than 25,000 inhabitants) is included in


and its associated vectors are included in the file


The provided test case will index the 19 files and create an index under target, then use the provided vectors to expand a few queries. The performance of the system in this example is very poor, the corpus has only 19 documents! But it is an end-to-end example that can help you write your own.


The current code has only been tested under GNU/Linux amd64 platform. Due to the C nature of word2vec serialization, it might need adjustment to run under other platforms. As the provided convert-vectors itself transforms the C serialization to a Java serialization, as a work-around you might want to that migration in a 64-bit Intel architecture. Alternatively you can adapt to your architecture


and open a pull request with your changes :)

The terms used to create the word2vec vectors and the index should be kept in sync. This is currently left to the user, but it is possible to extract the terms from a suitable index and feed them to word2vec directly. Improving the current code in that direction is part of the ROADMAP but patches are always welcomed.

Building your own vectors

For convenience, this repository has word2vec as supplied by Google Inc. as a submodule. After checking out this repository, please do

git submodule update --init

to populate the folder ./main/src/c

Then the goal:

mvn exec:exec

should compile that code in ./main/src/c.

To obtain vectors, use the word2vec command (see the word2vec documentation for details):

./main/src/c/word2vec -train ./test/resources/com/radialpoint/word2vec/lucene/word2vec.corpus -output target/quebec.vectors.bin -cbow 0 -size 200 -window 5 -negative 0 -hs 1 -sample 1e-3 -threads 12 -binary 1

where word2vec.corpus mimics the downcasing done by the Lucene analyzer, it was obtain by running the following shell commands:

cat ./test/resources/com/radialpoint/word2vec/lucene/quebec/* | perl -pe 's/[^A-Za-z]/ /g' > ./test/resources/com/radialpoint/word2vec/lucene/word2vec.corpus

with the vectors in C binary serialization, use the provided transform-vectors tool:

sh ./runner/target/appassembler/bin/convert-vectors target/quebec.vectors.bin ./test/resources/com/radialpoint/word2vec/lucene/quebec.vectors.ser