
FTD components library

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Bling is a collection of FTD components

Bling is for making most content pages more interesting. Normally content pages, like a blog post, or news article etc, only have headings, single quote, image and code block. With bling we are trying to create rich variety of components to spice up such blog posts.

fifthtry.github.io/bling is a ftd component library which contains various ftd componets can be used on your pages.

To use this ftd library on your web package, add below lines into FASTN.ftd file:

\-- fastn.dependency: fifthtry.github.io/bling
\-- fastn.auto-import: fifthtry.github.io/bling/badge

In above example badge is being added to your package. Which can be called into your .ftd files as given below:

\-- badge.badge: Primary
primary: true