
A utility to simplify working with physical quantities in C++.

Primary LanguageC++Boost Software License 1.0BSL-1.0

* What is AutoUnits?
AutoUnits is a C++ library for dealing with quantities--that is, values with
units. It allows you to define a units system using a convenient YAML-based
format. You can use AutoUnits to perform unit conversions from one unit to
another, perform math on those units, define your own unit systems, etc. 

Someday, AutoUnits will support generating C++ code from a unit system
definition allowing for static checking of unit conversions where possible
(e.g., it would be a compiler error to convert from meters to joules).

Currently there's no API documentation (besides what you can generate from
Doxygen), but hopefully that will change someday!

* Building AutoUnits
AutoUnits is a Qt-based library. To build it you will need the following
  - Qt (http://qt.nokia.com/products/)
  - boost (http://www.boost.org)
  - yaml-cpp (http://code.google.com/p/yaml-cpp/)

Once you've gotten these libraries, you're ready to build the library.

Before building, you'll need to define the BOOST_PATH and YAML_CPP_PATH to point
to your boost and yaml-cpp installations. These variables are added to the
include path, they should be set such that #include <boost/*.h> and 
#include <yaml-cpp/*.h> work as expected. 

With that done, cd into the AutoUnits directory and run qmake and make. The
library should compile and be ready for use. Examples for using the library
are included under the Tools/ directory.

* License
AutoUnits is distributed under the Boost license. See LICENSE for more 