
Web Interface for SCP crawler database

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This is a project to provide a web interface for a database containing data extracted from SCP Foundation wiki (http://www.scp-wiki.net/) and its branches. Database itself is updated with the help of SCP web crawler. Source code for website and web-crawler is available at https://github.com/FiftyNine?tab=repositories

Author: Alexander "FiftyNine" Krivopalov, E-mail: lixbart@mail.ru


Endpoint: /api/[method]

Method: page
Description: retrieves a page by id
Type: GET

  • "id": Wikidot id of the page to retrieve.

JSON object containing a page metadata.




Selects a page with WikidotId = 13327521 (SCP-1981 - "RONALD REAGAN CUT UP WHILE TALKING")


   "altTitle":"\u0022RONALD REAGAN CUT UP WHILE TALKING\u0022",
      "date":"2012-05-14 05:44:15.000000",

Method: user
Description: retrieves a user by id
Type: GET

  • "id": Wikidot id of the user to retrieve.

JSON object containing user metadata.




Selects a user with WikidotId = 224440 (TheDuckman)


            "date":"2017-02-07 13:10:45.000000",
            "date":"2008-10-19 17:17:07.000000",
            "date":"2015-05-23 00:00:00.000000",
            "date":"2013-01-25 11:57:36.000000",
            "date":"2011-09-15 02:47:19.000000",

Method: find-pages
Description: retrieves up to limit pages from the specified wiki with part of the name matching title
Type: GET

  • "site": Short name from the list of available sites (see below)
  • "title": Search query, part of page's name (i.e. "173" will match "SCP-173", "SCP-1173", etc). Between 3 and 256 characters.
  • "limit": Maximum number of rows returned by the query. Limited to 50.
  • "random": Bit flag indicating whether resulting list of pages should be randomized.
        "0" - returns limit pages ordered by (kind of) relevance, descending (default)
        "1" - returns random selection of limit pages from the original query.

JSON object containing only one field "pages", which is an array of all found pages.




Randomly selects from the english wiki up to 2 pages which have "king" in their title or alternative title.


         "altTitle":"\u0022RONALD REAGAN CUT UP WHILE TALKING\u0022",
            "date":"2012-05-14 05:44:15.000000",
         "altTitle":"The Hanged King\u0027s Tragedy",
            "date":"2009-03-27 08:25:19.000000",

Method: find-users
Description: retrieves up to limit users from the with part of the name matching name
Type: GET

  • "site": Optional. Short name from the list of available sites (see below). If specified, only searches amongst members of the site. Otherwise - amongst all users.
  • "name": Search query, part of user's name (i.e. "cle" will match "Dr Clef", "Agent MacLeod", etc). Between 3 and 256 characters.
  • "limit": Maximum number of rows returned by the query. Limited to 50.

JSON object containing only one field "users", which is an array of all found pages.




Selects a member of the english wiki who has "gene" in their name


         "displayName":"Gene R",
                  "date":"2017-02-07 13:10:20.000000",
                  "date":"2011-05-06 22:54:36.000000",
                  "date":"2016-09-21 19:51:58.000000",
                  "date":"2010-11-29 00:43:58.000000",

Method: tags
Description: retrieves up to limit pages from the specified wiki, selected using provided tags
Type: GET

  • "site": Short name from the list of available sites (see below)
  • "method": How to combine provided tags for the query ("and"/"or")
        "and" - only pages that have all the tags (default)
        "or" - pages that contain any of the tags.
  • "tags": List of tags, each prefixed with "+" or "-", separated by commas
        "+" indicates that pages containing this tag must be included in the query
        "-" indicates that pages containing this tag must be excluded from the query
        Each tag MUST be prefixed by only ONE of those options.
  • "limit": Maximum number of rows returned by the query. Limited to 50.
  • "random": Bit flag indicating whether resulting list of pages should be randomized.
        "0" - returns limit pages ordered by clean rating, descending (default)
        "1" - returns random selection of limit pages from the original query.

JSON object containing only one field "pages", which is an array of all selected pages.




Randomly selects from the english wiki up to 2 pages that have both tags "scp" and "memetic", but DO NOT have a "joke" tag


         "altTitle":"The Hanged King\u0027s Tragedy",
            "date":"2009-03-27 08:25:19.000000",
         "altTitle":"The Minotaur\u0027s Tale",
            "date":"2012-03-17 22:35:44.000000",

List of available sites (API names in quotes):
  • SCP Foundation (scp-wiki.net): "en"
  • Russian branch (scpfoundation.ru): "ru"
  • Korean branch (ko.scp-wiki.net): "ko"
  • Japanese branch (ja.scp-wiki.net): "ja"
  • French branch (fondationscp.wikidot.com): "fr"
  • Spanish branch (lafundacionscp.wikidot.com): "es"
  • Thai branch (scp-th.wikidot.com): "th"
  • Polish branch (scp-wiki.net.pl): "pl"
  • German branch (scp-wiki-de.wikidot.com): "de"
  • Chinese branch (scp-wiki-cn.wikidot.com): "cn"
  • Italian branch (fondazionescp.wikidot.com): "it"
  • SCP International (scp-int.wikidot.com): "int"