CircleCI orbs/builder-images

This repostiory contains orbs/builder-images for building nodejs-services/npm packages.


The orbs try to use docker as much as possible. As a result, everything is docker-first. An job (e.g. lint or specs) is executed in an (application) docker-container which is later used for releasing the package to a specified outlet (npm/github/docker). Right now, a typical CI pipeline looks as follows:

  1. Build the builder image and (optionally) a release image. If there is no release image specified, the builder image is used.
  • The builder-/release-images are extracted through labels in a build-phase: LABEL build=builder or LABEL build=release
  • (!) This job performs a semantic bump. The local checked out repository will get a version bump w/ changelog depending on the commit history
  • Job-name: checkout_bump_and_build
  1. Use another job which uses the image built from 1., e.g. linting. This performs a more docker-exec inside that container with a specified npm command
  • (!) By default, the builder-image is used, since it typically includes dev-dependencies. You can optionally use the release image here
  1. For complex usecases- e.g. feature-tests with databases or other service, you can use step 2 with docker-compose.
  • Have a ready in your project and run a specs job, e.g. specs
  • Tests are automatically executed in docker-compose. For maximal determinism, I recommend waiting for dependent services
  1. Publish to a specified outlet. In the most minimal case, this can be just the github-commit for the version bump.
  • To run a github-push, run push_to_github