
Everything related to FightPandemics integration with Auth0

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Auth0 files for FightPandemics


Scripts needed to configure integration with Auth0, they need to be activated in order for the authentication to work The code has been updated to work with Node 12 enabled as environment


Set Mongo id in app metadata for verified users The FP_DOMAIN should be set in the rules configuration to the same value as used in the backend .env AUTH_APP_URL This mongo_id is used as primary key _id for users in our mongo database, and stored in the JWT


Email templates for emails from Auth0 delivered by our email provider, currently SendGrid. Considerations:

  • Images must be external links, currently uploaded to SendGrid and delivered via their CDN.
  • External (e.g. google) fonts are not supported by many email clients although some devices may have currently selected custom fonts installed. Most will default to local sans-serif. Future design optimization can be done by using web safe fonts.
  • Because of variable sub-domain emails will not quite work correctly for review environment so user testing should be done on staging.


Email sent to verify a user's email when they sign-up with email & password. Template name in Auth0: "Verification Email (using Link)"


Email sent after user verifies email or confirms social authentication. Template name in Auth0: "


Email sent to change a user's password for those who signed up with email & password. Template name in Auth0: "Change Password"