
Third party library

All the third party libraries are stored in third_party. In this project, following third party libraries are used:

pip3 install bitarray pycryptodome requests

Please note that you may failed to install bitarray using pip, because it will compile some C/C++ code in your computer. It requires environment building C/C++ project which you may not have. If that happens, you may go to this website (seems for windows only) to download pre-compiled binaries to install.

Please run pip3 install pycryptodome to install pycryptodome If you get errors like ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Crypto.Protocol.SecretSharing', please make sure you install the packet by pip3, please use pip uninstall pycryptodome to uninstall the old package and install it by pip3


To accomplish this project, we had done many experiments to learn different tools. All the experiment files are put into demos in order to check how to use these libraries.

In addition, we wrote many functions/classes too, and the experiments with them are located in demos too.

Root directory

The mainly contains the classes, functions we designed to accomplish this task.

Introduction to different classes and functions


bytearr_hex_to_str and str_hex_to_bytearr

These two functions performs the conversion between bytearray and str. Mainly used for debugging

query_contact and upload_contact

These two functions mainly contributes to communication with backend server.

  • query_contact sends QBFs to the server and get result.
  • upload_contact sends CBFs to the server and get result.


Generating a 3-bytes long hash. This operation discards the last byte of murmur hash 32



The enc_mgr manages ephid and generates encid.

  • The class member pub_key is actually the current ephid.
  • The class member function get_shared() returns the encid generated for bloom filter.
  • The class member function new_priv_key() helps you to generate new ephid.


A simple bloom filter implemented with bitarray.

  • put() function insert a new record into bloom filter
  • get() function check whether an item was recorded in this bloom filter
  • combine_filters() a static member function which combine filters together


The client mainly focus on broadcasting and listening. It also decides when a new ephid should be generated and when to upload QBF and CBF and etc.

More about Shamir's secret sharing


ephid_frag is a dictionary, which stored all the received hash id and shared messages. like this:

    Hash_id_1:shared_msg_1, shared_message_2;

Note that every hash id won't have more then two shared messages. As onece three messages are get, an EphID will be generated and the hash id will be deleted from this dictionary.

It's very possiblt for the dictionary to be very long. For example, Bob and Alice are in a park. Bob is sitting on a banch and Alice is walking around. Alice get close to Bob and then walk away, this costs 20 seconds and Bob will recieve messages from Alice like this:

    Hash_id_Alice_1 : shared_msa_1,shared_msa_2   

Let us suppose 1 minute later Alice return and this time, she already changed her Ephid so her hash id is different now. The dictionary would look like this:

    Hash_id_Alice_1 : shared_msa_1,shared_msa_2  
    Hash_id_Alice_2 : shared_msa_1,shared_msa_2

So Hash_id_Alice_1 will remain in the dictionary forever if we don't clean it. So we reset the Dictionary every 10 minutes. When a new DBF is created(10 minutes), the dictionary will reset to empty. And because of the situation mentioned above, the total shares recieved won't always be


It may be 1,2,3,4,2,3,4....


To keep the device to have only 6 DBFs, we create a list to contain all the 6 DBFs, once a new DBF is created, it would be append into the list. And we use pop to kick out the oldest DBF, while pop won't release the room the DBF takes, we use del to release the room occupied by the DBF. As a DBF is a really long array, we believe this is important.

Please note that in order to make our program's out put, we force the program to create a QBF after sending 6 messages.

Please make sure each client recieves at least three share messages. Or no EphID will be decrypted and nothing will be added into the DBF, since all the DBFs are empty ,the program will refuse to combine the DBFs to QBF.

You have to wait for 60 minute until the program automatically gengerate a QBF. Don't worry, if you turn on client1 first and start client2 within 20 seconds, each client is able to decrypt a EphID. If you turn on client1 and then turn on client2 more than 20 seconds later, only client2 is able to print the message for creating and uploading QBF, client1 will say there is not enough DBFs, and skip the combine and upload proccess.