
A simple distributed hash table implementation

Primary LanguagePython


These code are for the assignment 1, COMP9331. In this project, a simple distributed hash table is implemented.


These code implemented a simple distributed hash table and corresponding operation, including:

  • a single node can join, leave system
  • each node will send heartbeat packets to detect abrupt leave
  • each node can upload, download and search file stored in the DHT

For detailed description, please read file Assignment_3331_9331_20T1_updated_ver.pdf.


The following content are mainly about how to get these code run. And also a test bash script.


Make sure the DHTNode.py and the p2p.py are in the same directory. The python version is python3.7.3.

You can run p2p.py by using

# init command
# <Request type> <Peer ID> <First successor> <Second Successor> <Ping interval>
python3 p2p.py init 2 4 5 10

# join command
# <Request type> <Peer ID> <Known node> <Ping interval>
python3 p2p.py join 6 2 10

The time interval when a peer will be regard as abrupt left is 2 * ping interval + 15 seconds. Please don't set a very large ping interval.

Test script

I wrote a bash script to simplify the test. This script will remove all the txt file in current path and then generate 12 txt files with random name between 0 and 9999. You can also specify the number of peers. The peer ID is random generated.

To use this script, you have to grant permission by typing chomod u+x run.sh.

And then type

./run.sh [ping interval] [number of peers]

pingInterval have to be set and the number of peers is optional. If number of peers is not given, default value will be set which is the same as the marking rubric.

Here is an example with 20 ping interval and 4 random peers :

(buster)wangwei@localhost:~/Desktop/final$ ./run.sh 20 4

file names are:
5391 7549 3435 2299 5852 6377 6915 5083 1430 5390 4818 3185 

Random peers are:
47 155 184 217 47 155 

Which stands for a peer-to-peer network 47-155-184-217-47-155

Here is an example with 10 ping interval and default peers:

(buster)wangwei@localhost:~/Desktop/final$ ./run.sh 10

file names are:
422 9270 1994 4405 7398 8541 7366 2163 6182 3886 2511 2743

To kill all the xterms, run ./killXterm.sh.