
A small and customizable neovim plugin for pretty printing the hover information from LSP servers

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Stargazers Issues Contributors

Table of contents

Pretty_hover is a light weight plugin that parses the hover message before opening the popup window. The output can be easily manipulated with. This will result in more readable hover message.

How it looks

Using native vim.lsp.buf.hover()

Using pretty_hover

Installation and setup

via Lazy

	event = "LspAttach",
	opts = {}

via Packer

use {
	config = function()

Using Pretty Hover

To open a hover window, run the following lua snippet (or bind it to a key)


To close a hover window, run the following lua snippet (or bind it to a key)


NOTE: When focused on a hover window, you can also press q to close the hover window


Parameter Description
line If one of the supplied strings is located as the first word in line the whole line is surrounded by stylers.line.
listing These words will be substituted with stylers.listing.
word List of strings. If this word is detected at the beginning of a line the next word is surrounded by styles.word
header List of strings. If this word is detected at the beginning of a line the word is substituted by styles.header
return statement This words are substituted with Return (in bold)
references If any word from this list is detected, the next word is surrounded by styles.references[1]. If this word is located in line section the next word is surrounded by stylers.references[2] (see Limitations)
hl This is a table of highlighting groups. User can define new groups by specifying at least tow parameters. color and detect. Flag line is not mendatory, however by setting this flag you can ensure that the whole line is highlighted. When a detector from the table detect is found the detector is made uppercase, omits the beginning tag and gets highlighted.
border Sets the border of the hover window. (none
max_width Sets the maximum width of the window. If you don't want any limitation set to nil.
max_height Sets the maximum hight of the window. If you don't want any limitation set to nil.
toggle Flag detecting whether you want to have the hover just as a toggle window or make the popup focusable.

NOTE: To really use this plugin you have to create a keymap that will call require('pretty_hover').hover() function.

The plugin supports code blocks. By specifying @code{cpp} the text in popup window is highlighted with its filetype highlighter until the @endcode is hit. When the filetype is not specified in the flag @code the filetype from the currently opened file is used.

Default configuration

	-- Tables grouping the detected strings and using the markdown highlighters.
	header = {
		detect = { "[\\@]class" },
		styler = '###',
	line = {
		detect = { "[\\@]brief" },
		styler = '**',
	listing = {
		detect = { "[\\@]li" },
		styler = " - ",
	references = {
		detect = { "[\\@]ref", "[\\@]c", "[\\@]name" },
		styler = { "**", "`" },
	word = {
		detect = { "[\\@]param", "[\\@]tparam", "[\\@]see", "[\\@]*param*" },
		styler = "`",

	-- Tables used for cleaner identification of hover segments.
	code = {
		start = { "[\\@]code" },
		ending = { "[\\@]endcode" },
	return_statement = {

	-- Highlight groups used in the hover method. Feel free to define your own highlight group.
	hl = {
		error = {
			color = "#DC2626",
			detect = { "[\\@]error", "[\\@]bug" },
			line = false, -- Flag detecting if the whole line should be highlighted
		warning = {
			color = "#FBBF24",
			detect = { "[\\@]warning", "[\\@]thread_safety", "[\\@]throw" },
			line = false,
		info = {
			color = "#2563EB",
			detect = { "[\\@]remark", "[\\@]note", "[\\@]notes" },
		-- Here you can setup your own highlight groups.

	border = "rounded",
	max_width = nil,
	max_height = nil,
	toggle = false,


Currently neovim supports these markdown stylers: `, *, ```[language]. Unfortunately you cannot do any of their combination. If the support is extended there will be more options to style the pop-up window. Newly this plugin started supporting highlighting see the Configuration for more information.


If you have any idea how to make this plugin better do not hesitate to crate a PR. If you know how to make the improvement try mentioning it. Enjoy the plugin.

