
Files.com Official Javascript (Node) SDK. Files.com is Cloud Storage, Cloud Gateway, and MFT, All In One. Our built-in storage is fast, affordable, and available in 7 Worldwide Regions. Access Any File on Any Cloud via Files.com's Javascript client, including Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Box, Dropbox, Amazon, Wasabi, Backblaze, Rackspace, and more.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Files.com JavaScript SDK

The Files.com JavaScript SDK provides convenient access to the Files.com API from applications written in JavaScript.


To install the package:

yarn add files.com


npm install files.com


Import and initialize

import Files from "files.com/lib/Files.js";

// Set the client to your site subdomain if your site is configured to disable global acceleration.
// Otherwise, don't change this setting for production.
// For dev/CI, you can point this to the mock server.

require() vs. import

The examples provided in the documentation here use the newer ES6 import syntax. To instead use the older CommonJS module syntax with require(), ensure that .default is included. For example:

const Files = require("files.com/lib/Files.js").default;
const User = require("files.com/lib/models/User.js").default;

// destructure to directly assign a named export
const { LogLevel } = require("files.com/lib/Logger.js").default;


There are multiple ways to authenticate to the Files.com SDK for Javascript.

Global API Key

You can set an API key globally like this:


Per-Request API Key

Or, you can pass an API key per-request, in the options object at the end of every method like this:

import User from 'files.com/lib/models/User.js'
const user = new User(params, { apiKey: 'my-api-key' })

User Session

Or, you can open a user session by calling Session.create()

import Session from 'files.com/lib/models/Session.js'
const session = await Session.create({ username, password })

Then use it globally for all subsequent API calls like this:


Or, you can pass the session ID per-request, in the options array at the end of every method like this:

import User from 'files.com/lib/models/User.js'
const user = new User(params, { sessionId: session.id })

Setting Global Options

You can set the following global properties using static methods on the Files class:

Log Level

import { LogLevel } from 'files.com/lib/Logger.js'

Call Files.setLogLevel() with one of the following:
  LogLevel.INFO (default)


  // enable debug logging of API requests (default: false)
  debugRequest: false,

  // enable debug logging of API response headers (default: false)
  debugResponseHeaders: false,


  // max retries (default: 3)
  maxNetworkRetries: 3,

  // minimum delay in seconds before retrying (default: 0.5)
  minNetworkRetryDelay: 0.5,

  // max delay in seconds before retrying (default: 1.5)
  maxNetworkRetryDelay: 1.5,

  // network timeout in seconds (default: 30.0)
  networkTimeout: 30.0,

  // auto-fetch all pages when results span multiple pages (default: `true`)
  autoPaginate: true,

File Operations

List root folder

import Folder from 'files.com/lib/models/Folder.js'
const dirFiles = await Folder.listFor('/')

Uploading a file

import File from 'files.com/lib/models/File.js'
import { isBrowser } from 'files.com/lib/utils.js'

// uploading raw file data
await File.uploadData(destinationFileName, data)

// uploading a file on disk (not available in browser)
if (!isBrowser()) {
  await File.uploadFile(destinationFileName, sourceFilePath)

Downloading a file

Get a downloadable file object by path
import File from 'files.com/lib/models/File.js'

const foundFile = await File.find(remoteFilePath)
const downloadableFile = await foundFile.download()
Download a file (not available in browser)
import { isBrowser } from 'files.com/lib/utils.js'

if (!isBrowser()) {
  // download to a file on disk
  await downloadableFile.downloadToFile(localFilePath)

  // download to a writable stream
  await downloadableFile.downloadToStream(stream)

  // download in memory and return as a UTF-8 string
  const textContent = await downloadableFile.downloadToString()

Comparing Case insensitive files and paths

For related documentation see Case Sensitivity Documentation.

import { pathNormalizer } from 'files.com/lib/utils.js'

if (pathNormalizer.same('Fïłèńämê.Txt', 'filename.txt')) {
  // the paths are the same

Additional Object Documentation

Additional docs are available at https://developers.files.com

Getting Support

The Files.com team is happy to help with any SDK Integration challenges you may face.

Just email support@files.com and we'll get the process started.