
Files.com Official Python SDK. Files.com is Cloud Storage, Cloud Gateway, and MFT, All In One. Our built-in storage is fast, affordable, and available in 7 Worldwide Regions. Access Any File on Any Cloud via Files.com's Python client, including Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Box, Dropbox, Amazon, Wasabi, Backblaze, Rackspace, and more.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Files.com Python Client

The content included here should be enough to get started, but please visit our Developer Documentation Website for the complete documentation.


The Files.com Python client library provides convenient access to the Files.com API from applications written in the Python language.


To install the package:

pip3 install Files.com


  • Python 3.5+
  • requests


import files_sdk

Explore the files-sdk-python code on GitHub.

Getting Support

The Files.com team is happy to help with any SDK Integration challenges you may face.

Just email support@files.com and we'll get the process started.


Authenticate with an API Key

Authenticating with an API key is the recommended authentication method for most scenarios, and is the method used in the examples on this site.

To use the API or SDKs with an API Key, first generate an API key from the web interface or via the API or an SDK.

Note that when using a user-specific API key, if the user is an administrator, you will have full access to the entire API. If the user is not an administrator, you will only be able to access files that user can access, and no access will be granted to site administration functions in the API.


## Alternatively, you can specify the API key on a per-request basis in the final parameter to any method or initializer.
files_sdk.user.list(params, {"api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY"})

Don't forget to replace the placeholder, YOUR_API_KEY, with your actual API key.

Authenticate with a Session

You can also authenticate to the REST API or SDKs by creating a user session using the username and password of an active user. If the user is an administrator, the session will have full access to the entire API. Sessions created from regular user accounts will only be able to access files that user can access, and no access will be granted to site administration functions.

API sessions use the exact same session timeout settings as web interface sessions. When an API session times out, simply create a new session and resume where you left off. This process is not automatically handled by SDKs because we do not want to store password information in memory without your explicit consent.

Logging in

To create a session, the create method is called on the files_sdk object with the user's username and password.

This returns a session object that can be used to authenticate SDK method calls.

session = files_sdk.session.create({ "username": "motor", "password": "vroom" })

Using a session

Once a session has been created, you can store the session globally, use the session per object, or use the session per request to authenticate SDK operations.

## You may set the returned session to be used by default for subsequent requests.

## Alternatively, you can specify the session ID on a per-object basis in the second parameter to a model constructor.
user = files_sdk.user.User(params, {"session_id": session.id})

## You may also specify the session ID on a per-request basis in the final parameter to static methods.
files_sdk.user.find(id, params, {"session_id": session.id})

Logging out

User sessions can be ended calling the destroy method on the session object.



Configuration options

Base URL

Setting the base URL for the API is required if your site is configured to disable global acceleration. This can also be set to use a mock server in development or CI.

files_sdk.base_url = "https://SUBDOMAIN.files.com"

Log level

This SDK utilizes the standard Python logging framework. It will respect the global log level and you can set the module specific log level and other logging settings by getting the logger object in the standard manner as shown below:

import logging

Console log level

Enables printing of messages to stderr in addition to normal logging.

Allowed values are:

  • None
  • "info"
  • "debug"
files_sdk.console_log_level = "info"

Open timeout

Open timeout in seconds. The default value is 30.

files_sdk.open_timeout = 60

Read timeout

Read timeout in seconds. The default value is 80.

files_sdk.read_timeout = 90

Initial network retry delay

Initial retry delay in seconds. The default value is 0.5.

files_sdk.initial_network_retry_delay = 1

Maximum retry delay

Maximum network retry delay in seconds. The default value is 2.

files_sdk.max_network_retry_delay = 5

Maximum network retries

Maximum number of retries. The default value is 3.

files_sdk.max_network_retries = 5

Source IP

Configure the local IP address from which to send requests.

files_sdk.source_ip = ''


The Files.com Python SDK will return errors by raising exceptions. There are many exception classes defined in the Files SDK that correspond to specific errors.

The raised exceptions come from two categories:

  1. SDK Exceptions - errors that originate within the SDK
  2. API Exceptions - errors that occur due to the response from the Files.com API. These errors are grouped into common error types.

There are several types of exceptions within each category. Exception classes indicate different types of errors and are named in a fashion that describe the general premise of the originating error. More details can be found in the err object message.

Use standard Python exception handling to detect and deal with errors. It is generally recommended to handle specific errors first, then handle the general files_sdk.error.Error exception as a catch-all.

  session = files_sdk.session.create({ "username": "USERNAME", "password": "BADPASSWORD" })
except files_sdk.error.NotAuthenticatedError as err:
    print(f"Authentication Error Occurred ({type(err).__name__}):", err)
except files_sdk.error.Error as err:
    print(f"Unknown Error Occurred ({type(err).__name__}):", err)

Error Types

SDK Errors

SDK errors are general errors that occur within the SDK code. Each exception class inherits from a standard Error base class.

files_sdk.error.APIConnectionError -> files_sdk.error.Error -> Exception
SDK Exception Classes
Error Class Name Description
APIConnectionError The Files.com API cannot be reached
AuthenticationError Not enough authentication information has been provided
InvalidParameterError A passed in parameter is invalid
MissingParameterError A method parameter is missing
NotImplementedError The called method has not be implemented by the SDK

API Errors

API errors are errors returned by the Files.com API. Each exception class inherits from an error group base class. The error group base class indicates a particular type of error.

files_sdk.error.FolderAdminPermissionRequiredError -> files_sdk.error.NotAuthorizedError -> files_sdk.error.APIError -> files_sdk.error.Error -> Exception
API Exception Classes
Error Class Name Error Group
AgentUpgradeRequiredError BadRequestError
AttachmentTooLargeError BadRequestError
CannotDownloadDirectoryError BadRequestError
CantMoveWithMultipleLocationsError BadRequestError
DatetimeParseError BadRequestError
DestinationSameError BadRequestError
FolderMustNotBeAFileError BadRequestError
InvalidBodyError BadRequestError
InvalidCursorError BadRequestError
InvalidCursorTypeForSortError BadRequestError
InvalidEtagsError BadRequestError
InvalidFilterAliasCombinationError BadRequestError
InvalidFilterCombinationError BadRequestError
InvalidFilterFieldError BadRequestError
InvalidFilterParamError BadRequestError
InvalidFilterParamValueError BadRequestError
InvalidInputEncodingError BadRequestError
InvalidInterfaceError BadRequestError
InvalidOauthProviderError BadRequestError
InvalidPathError BadRequestError
InvalidReturnToUrlError BadRequestError
InvalidUploadOffsetError BadRequestError
InvalidUploadPartGapError BadRequestError
InvalidUploadPartSizeError BadRequestError
MethodNotAllowedError BadRequestError
NoValidInputParamsError BadRequestError
PartNumberTooLargeError BadRequestError
PathCannotHaveTrailingWhitespaceError BadRequestError
ReauthenticationNeededFieldsError BadRequestError
RequestParamsContainInvalidCharacterError BadRequestError
RequestParamsInvalidError BadRequestError
RequestParamsRequiredError BadRequestError
SearchAllOnChildPathError BadRequestError
UnsupportedCurrencyError BadRequestError
UnsupportedHttpResponseFormatError BadRequestError
UnsupportedMediaTypeError BadRequestError
UserIdInvalidError BadRequestError
UserIdOnUserEndpointError BadRequestError
UserRequiredError BadRequestError
AdditionalAuthenticationRequiredError NotAuthenticatedError
AuthenticationRequiredError NotAuthenticatedError
BundleRegistrationCodeFailedError NotAuthenticatedError
FilesAgentTokenFailedError NotAuthenticatedError
InboxRegistrationCodeFailedError NotAuthenticatedError
InvalidCredentialsError NotAuthenticatedError
InvalidOauthError NotAuthenticatedError
InvalidOrExpiredCodeError NotAuthenticatedError
InvalidSessionError NotAuthenticatedError
InvalidUsernameOrPasswordError NotAuthenticatedError
LockedOutError NotAuthenticatedError
LockoutRegionMismatchError NotAuthenticatedError
OneTimePasswordIncorrectError NotAuthenticatedError
TwoFactorAuthenticationErrorError NotAuthenticatedError
TwoFactorAuthenticationSetupExpiredError NotAuthenticatedError
ApiKeyIsDisabledError NotAuthorizedError
ApiKeyIsPathRestrictedError NotAuthorizedError
ApiKeyOnlyForDesktopAppError NotAuthorizedError
ApiKeyOnlyForMobileAppError NotAuthorizedError
ApiKeyOnlyForOfficeIntegrationError NotAuthorizedError
BillingOrSiteAdminPermissionRequiredError NotAuthorizedError
BillingPermissionRequiredError NotAuthorizedError
BundleMaximumUsesReachedError NotAuthorizedError
CannotLoginWhileUsingKeyError NotAuthorizedError
CantActForOtherUserError NotAuthorizedError
ContactAdminForPasswordChangeHelpError NotAuthorizedError
FilesAgentFailedAuthorizationError NotAuthorizedError
FolderAdminOrBillingPermissionRequiredError NotAuthorizedError
FolderAdminPermissionRequiredError NotAuthorizedError
FullPermissionRequiredError NotAuthorizedError
HistoryPermissionRequiredError NotAuthorizedError
InsufficientPermissionForParamsError NotAuthorizedError
InsufficientPermissionForSiteError NotAuthorizedError
MustAuthenticateWithApiKeyError NotAuthorizedError
NeedAdminPermissionForInboxError NotAuthorizedError
NonAdminsMustQueryByFolderOrPathError NotAuthorizedError
NotAllowedToCreateBundleError NotAuthorizedError
PasswordChangeNotRequiredError NotAuthorizedError
PasswordChangeRequiredError NotAuthorizedError
ReadOnlySessionError NotAuthorizedError
ReadPermissionRequiredError NotAuthorizedError
ReauthenticationFailedError NotAuthorizedError
ReauthenticationFailedFinalError NotAuthorizedError
ReauthenticationNeededActionError NotAuthorizedError
RecaptchaFailedError NotAuthorizedError
SelfManagedRequiredError NotAuthorizedError
SiteAdminRequiredError NotAuthorizedError
SiteFilesAreImmutableError NotAuthorizedError
TwoFactorAuthenticationRequiredError NotAuthorizedError
UserIdWithoutSiteAdminError NotAuthorizedError
WriteAndBundlePermissionRequiredError NotAuthorizedError
WritePermissionRequiredError NotAuthorizedError
ZipDownloadIpMismatchError NotAuthorizedError
ApiKeyNotFoundError NotFoundError
BundlePathNotFoundError NotFoundError
BundleRegistrationNotFoundError NotFoundError
CodeNotFoundError NotFoundError
FileNotFoundError NotFoundError
FileUploadNotFoundError NotFoundError
FolderNotFoundError NotFoundError
GroupNotFoundError NotFoundError
InboxNotFoundError NotFoundError
NestedNotFoundError NotFoundError
PlanNotFoundError NotFoundError
SiteNotFoundError NotFoundError
UserNotFoundError NotFoundError
AlreadyCompletedError ProcessingFailureError
AutomationCannotBeRunManuallyError ProcessingFailureError
BehaviorNotAllowedOnRemoteServerError ProcessingFailureError
BundleOnlyAllowsPreviewsError ProcessingFailureError
BundleOperationRequiresSubfolderError ProcessingFailureError
CouldNotCreateParentError ProcessingFailureError
DestinationExistsError ProcessingFailureError
DestinationFolderLimitedError ProcessingFailureError
DestinationParentConflictError ProcessingFailureError
DestinationParentDoesNotExistError ProcessingFailureError
ExpiredPrivateKeyError ProcessingFailureError
ExpiredPublicKeyError ProcessingFailureError
ExportFailureError ProcessingFailureError
ExportNotReadyError ProcessingFailureError
FailedToChangePasswordError ProcessingFailureError
FileLockedError ProcessingFailureError
FileNotUploadedError ProcessingFailureError
FilePendingProcessingError ProcessingFailureError
FileProcessingErrorError ProcessingFailureError
FileTooBigToDecryptError ProcessingFailureError
FileTooBigToEncryptError ProcessingFailureError
FileUploadedToWrongRegionError ProcessingFailureError
FilenameTooLongError ProcessingFailureError
FolderLockedError ProcessingFailureError
FolderNotEmptyError ProcessingFailureError
HistoryUnavailableError ProcessingFailureError
InvalidBundleCodeError ProcessingFailureError
InvalidFileTypeError ProcessingFailureError
InvalidFilenameError ProcessingFailureError
InvalidPriorityColorError ProcessingFailureError
InvalidRangeError ProcessingFailureError
ModelSaveErrorError ProcessingFailureError
MultipleProcessingErrorsError ProcessingFailureError
PathTooLongError ProcessingFailureError
RecipientAlreadySharedError ProcessingFailureError
RemoteServerErrorError ProcessingFailureError
ResourceLockedError ProcessingFailureError
SubfolderLockedError ProcessingFailureError
TwoFactorAuthenticationCodeAlreadySentError ProcessingFailureError
TwoFactorAuthenticationCountryBlacklistedError ProcessingFailureError
TwoFactorAuthenticationGeneralErrorError ProcessingFailureError
TwoFactorAuthenticationUnsubscribedRecipientError ProcessingFailureError
UpdatesNotAllowedForRemotesError ProcessingFailureError
DuplicateShareRecipientError RateLimitedError
ReauthenticationRateLimitedError RateLimitedError
TooManyConcurrentLoginsError RateLimitedError
TooManyConcurrentRequestsError RateLimitedError
TooManyLoginAttemptsError RateLimitedError
TooManyRequestsError RateLimitedError
TooManySharesError RateLimitedError
AgentUnavailableError ServiceUnavailableError
AutomationsUnavailableError ServiceUnavailableError
MigrationInProgressError ServiceUnavailableError
SiteDisabledError ServiceUnavailableError
UploadsUnavailableError ServiceUnavailableError
AccountAlreadyExistsError SiteConfigurationError
AccountOverdueError SiteConfigurationError
NoAccountForSiteError SiteConfigurationError
SiteWasRemovedError SiteConfigurationError
TrialExpiredError SiteConfigurationError
TrialLockedError SiteConfigurationError
UserRequestsEnabledRequiredError SiteConfigurationError


File Operations

This SDK allows both file based transfer and data based transfer. Please see the examples below.

File Download

The second parameter is optional and will simply use the remote filename by default.

files_sdk.file.download_file("/remote.txt", "local.txt")

File Upload

The second parameter is optional and will simply use the local filename by default.

files_sdk.file.upload_file("local.txt", "/remote.txt")

If the parent directories do not already exist, they can be automatically created by passing mkdir_parents in the params.

files_sdk.file.upload_file("local.txt", "/uploads/remote.txt", params={"mkdir_parents": True})

List root folder

for f in files_sdk.folder.list_for("/").auto_paging_iter():
    print(f.type, f.path)

Writing a file example (string)

with files_sdk.file.open("foo.txt", 'w') as f:

Writing a file example (binary)

with files_sdk.file.open("foo.txt", 'wb') as f:

Reading a file example (string)

with files_sdk.open("foo.txt", 'r') as f:

Reading a file example (binary)

with files_sdk.open("foo.txt", 'rb') as f:

List Responses and Cursor Paging

List responses for APIs with cursor support will return an iterable object which contains a single page of records. It has a built-in auto_paging_iter method to iterate through the pages, making the additional API calls as needed.

Iterating with with auto_paging_iter

list_obj = files_sdk.folder.list_for('/')

for f in list_obj.auto_paging_iter():
    print(f.type, f.path)

Iterating manually

list_obj = files_sdk.folder.list_for('/')

for f in list_obj:
    print(f.type, f.path)

while list_obj.has_next_page:
    for f in list_obj:
        print(f.type, f.path)

Comparing Case insensitive files and paths

For related documentation see Case Sensitivity Documentation.

if files_sdk.path_util.is_same("Fïłèńämê.Txt", "filename.txt"):
    print("Paths are the same")

Mock Server

Files.com publishes a Files.com API server, which is useful for testing your use of the Files.com SDKs and other direct integrations against the Files.com API in an integration test environment.

It is a Ruby app that operates as a minimal server for the purpose of testing basic network operations and JSON encoding for your SDK or API client. It does not maintain state and it does not deeply inspect your submissions for correctness.

Eventually we will add more features intended for integration testing, such as the ability to intentionally provoke errors.

Download the server as a Docker image via Docker Hub.

The Source Code is also available on GitHub.

A README is available on the GitHub link.